Saturday, October 24, 2009

Justing Chon Ningin Interview Part 1

Exclusive Ningin Interview: Justin Chon talks New Moon, travels and life, Part 1

Although you know Twilight’s Justin Chon as human Eric Yorkie, I’m happy to say that the humanity doesn’t stop there. After chatting with him yesterday for a few minutes he’s easily made it on my list of super down-to-earth people. That my friends, is a good list to be on. Aside from earning a spot on that list, he was able to dish on the upcoming New Moon movie and fill us in on what he’s been up to since we last chatted. A few times, he even turned the tables on me by asking me questions.

JI: I understand you’ve recently attended the Pusan International Film Festival. Can you tell me about your experience and what you did there?
JC: I’d like to say that I felt out of place a little, I don’t know why they invited me. I felt like an outsider.
JI: Why is that?
JC: I don’t know, I just didn’t feel like I was a part of ‘the club’ or whatever. Everyone there had their own team and I thought it’d be okay if I went by myself… and um, it wasn’t okay.
JI: I’m sorry to hear about that.
JC: Yeah, it’s okay. I mean that’s just the way they do business there. Actually I learned a lot, I learned a lot about how they operate over there– I realized that I truly love working in America.
JI: Speaking of America, New Moon will be premiering soon. How are you prepping yourself for the madness?
JC: Absolutely no preparation at all.
JI: You’re just going to walk in there and be cool?
JC: What’s there to prepare for? I’ll uh…get a suit. I’ll uh…get a suit and on the day of I’ll show up with [my publicist] Anthony and we’ll… watch the movie. I think that’s the best preparation I can do.
JI: So, no emotional preparation? The premiere last year looked pretty crazy from what I’ve seen.
JC: What kind of preparation would you do?
JI: I think I would do a little yoga, call on Jesus and ask people to pray for me.
JC: Yeah, I think that’s actually a very good idea. I think I’ll have people pray for me too.
JI: With the success of Twilight going from being an indie film to a massive franchise, how has this affected your experience of filming New Moon?
JC: Not much at all. A movie set is a movie set, the only thing that’s different is they’re just a lot more protective with the people and they have umbrellas so photographers can’t take pictures. You know, the only thing that’s affected is personal freedom. You can’t just walk off the set and smoke a cigarette anymore and they have to know where you are at all times. They set up these black walls everywhere so you can’t escape the set. But other than that, filming-wise, filming is the same. Just a different director. There’s differences in those terms but with that, in terms of the work, it’s the same.


Exclusive Ningin Interview: Justin Chon talks New Moon, travels and life, Part 2

In part one of our interview with Justin Chon, we learned about his recent travels and life since Twilight. Today, Justin continues dishing on the Twilight saga, future endeavors and gives us a surprising revelation.

JI: Wow. And more to come, right?
JC: Uh yeah…well, I don’t really know. Did they make an announcement about the fourth book? I don’t think they’ve officially announced the fourth movie. I don’t know if I’ll be in it, because I was only signed up for the first three. And obviously as you go further in the series, my part gets smaller. By the fourth book, I know I could possibly be at Edward and Bella’s wedding. There’s one other scene in one of Bella’s dreams where all the human kids are like, dead.
JI: Have you read the entire Twilight series?
JC: Yeah, it’s part of the job. But umm, I’ve heard some crazy things about what’s planned for the series. I’m not allowed to say what exactly, but they’re trying to do other stuff. But yeah, I think I’m ready to — My dream right now is…I’ve done like the films… okay I guess I should say I’ve done a franchise but now one of my dreams is to do a TV show.
JI: What sort of TV show?
JC: ANYTHING. I want to do something like The Office, or even 30 Rock, or a drama. Like Lost, or action like Heroes or something like that. Or just like any other actor’s dreams, I’d like to be on HBO. HBO or Showtime, I wouldn’t mind being on one of those networks.
JI: I wouldn’t mind seeing you on one of those networks.
JC: Yeah that would be amazing. You should petition for me! Oh man, that would be my dream right now. Plus, I could stay in LA and have a normal place to stay and I could budget knowing how much money is coming in.
JI: What’s one thing about you that you’d like people to know?
JC: I’m actually very shy.
JI: You, shy? I find that hard to believe.
JC: See that’s why you don’t know that one.
JI: Why do you think you’re very shy?
JC: Um why? I don’t know, I get really self-concious, I guess. I uh, lemme see how do I explain this…When I get in groups of big people I don’t know, like big groups, I tend to shut down. It seems like I’m out there or whatever, but that’s not an actor because I’m allowed to. So when the cameras turn on, I’m allowed to be out there. But if you ever see me at a party or whatever, I just can’t do it. You can ask [my publicist]Anthony and Anthony freakin’ hates it. We’ll go to a social mixer or somewhere you’re supposed to network…I can’t do that stuff. See that’s the thing, what you see on the movies or TV, you would think, “Oh my god, he seems like so much fun to hang out with!” Well yeah, if you’re a good friend of mine, hell yeah we would have a ton of fun. I’d be really free and speak my mind, but if it’s like a bunch of people I don’t know I get self-concious because I think about what are these people going to think about me? Am I going to say the wrong thing? I just start thinking things and it just pollutes the mind. That’s the big thing that people don’t know about me.
JI: I’m kind of shocked!
JC: Don’t be shocked, just accept.
JI: You’re so human it hurts.
JC: (laughs.) I’m very human. I’m extremely human. I’m no different from you or anyone.



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