Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Plenty of Edward

Though we already new it, Jackson reaffirms the fact that fans don't have to worry about not seeing Rob.  Chris has worked out a way to keep Rob's screen time as Edward up there.

'New Moon' Star Jackson Rathbone Says Film Has Plenty Of Edward

'Edward is very prominent in the film, especially in Bella's mind,' actor says.

BOSTON — When MTV News recently caught up with "New Moon" star Jackson Rathbone on the set of his new movie "Girlfriend," we had to ask how much we'd be seeing Jasper Hale in the second installment of the "Twilight" saga.
"I only shot for three weeks, and out of those three weeks that I was [in Vancouver] I think I actually filmed four days," Jackson said. "So, I mean, I'm not so much in 'New Moon.' "
Since Robert Pattinson's Edward Cullen departs early in the book, he is largely absent, and the rest of the Cullens aren't seen until the end of the story either.
"It's one of those things where we want to follow as closely to the books as possible," Rathbone said. "In 'New Moon,' you don't see that much of the Cullens. You really don't. So there's not too much of us in there."
Rathbone said he will only be in two scenes in the film. The first, as seen in theoriginal trailer, involves him attacking Bella at her birthday party when she gets a paper cut. The second, he said, centers on a family vote to decide whether Bella gets turned into a vampire or not.
He also said fans shouldn't worry about not getting enough Edward. As has already been announced and shown in the newest trailer, Bella has hallucinations about Edward, allowing Pattinson more screen time.
"I've heard people are concerned about Edward and the Cullens not being in the film, but Edward is very prominent in the film, especially in Bella's mind. The way that [director] Chris Weitz worked it out is beautiful, and I think that people are going to love it," Rathbone said.


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