Sunday, November 15, 2009


The Volturi guard made a stop in Scottsdale, Arizona.  They made it to the massive Fashion Square's Hot Topic.  Thanks Cullen Boys Anonymous for the pictures and the personal account of the evening.  I don't think there is one member of the cast that is not good looking (its almost not fair)


November 13, 2009
Scottsdale Fashion Square Mall: Scottsdale, AZ
Charlie Bewley & Daniel Cudmore
The line wrapped around and around. I’ve seriously seen much shorter lines at Disneyland. We were all told no personalization’s, no personal items to sign (posters provided of the OTHER Volturi), and no photos inside. It was quick, but they are both GORGEOUS close up and gave sexy little hellos.
Outside, screams were deafening! It was NOT well organized at all! They were trying to do some giveaways before bringing the guys out by screaming out trivia questions to the crowd saying first to answer wins. What a joke! When they finally brought then out, they were absolutely adorable. Here are the things I remember, although some things I may have left out due to brain damage from all the screaming. (mostly comments that were inappropriate for the young girls around me.)
Charlie’s comments: I eat girls for breakfast. New Moon is a total guys movie! I was trapped in the hotel in Italy by all the fans outside, so I sprayed water on them with my water bottle, but they liked it. (“host” asked if the crowd wanted to be sprayed and Charlie sprayed the—with Vitamin Water, actually glad I wasn’t close when he did that) When asked what scene they were asked to do when auditioning, they said the clock tower scene where they are trying to get them inside to see Aro, then Charlie did a very funny mock audition of the scene. “Edward, Bella, you better come with us or I’m going to sick Jane on your ass!” (imagine with a sexy British accent) They were asked if their belly button was an inny/ or outy. Daniel showed his (missed the shot), and Charlie says “I see where you’re trying to go with this one and I’m a test tube baby.) Say Dakota Fanning seems much older talking to her. Says Edward is really the bad guy because he tries to put all vampires at risk by exposing himself under the clock tower.
Both were very gracious and I may have my hearing back some day. Sorry about the quality, but it was dark.
Things I remembered after a good nights sleep…
New Moon is Charlie’s first movies, but Daniel was in X-Men and there were some fans from that there too. At one point, one of the X-Men guy fans yelled “There’s Jacob Black!” and got a big scream. (Funny because I was thinking I should have brought someone to put on plaid and a hoodie so I could yell There’s Rob and clear the crowd out of my way) When asked about their career choice, Charlie said he chose acting because he has job ADD, and Daniel answered too, but there was too much screaming. Daniel was asked if he thought fans would hate on him for “beating up Edward”, and he said they might if they thought he did a good job on the film. Both also seem excited about Eclipse and Charlie said he had a very surreal moment in the scene where they are facing the whole Cullen family and he was taking in the fact that he was looking at a line up of some of the most photographed people in the world. They were asked if they were aware of some of the fan fiction out there. Both were and had read some of it.
I think that’s all, but you never know with my memory. :P



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