Anyways, enjoy the article from yesterdays The Awful Truth.
Inside Rob and Kristen's Stunning Euro Slobberfest!
After Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart were finally snapped holding hands yesterday leaving Paris, everyone's wondering—are they coming out? As a couple, that is.
Our Twilight sources are hardly shocked over the PG PDA over in France. They tell us that Robsten were pretty cuddly during their French photo-call at the Crillon Hotel yesterday afternoon, too...
"Between photos, Kirsten was standing on her tiptoes, whispering things to Rob, and they were giggling," Luce Morton, a journalist who was at the hotel tells E! News.
"It's Rob and Kristen who want the privacy," Deep Twi adds when we asked how Summit feels about the recent hand-holding. "No one expects them to confirm or deny anything, but that's up to them."
Kristen keeps taking the lead on saying she won't ever answer the inevitable dating question—and we don't blame her. But if these sneaky paps keep snapping away, maybe she won't have to.
Rob and Kristen are now in London, and while they're hardly shouting from the rooftops "we're in love" (sorry, OK! mag, you can't use that cover this week), they have given us some fun bites.
Even we are on New Moon overload if you can believe it, so let's just do a recap of what's been going down across the pond:
• Kristen told reporters in London today that kissing Robert Pattinson was "pretty cool." Oh come on, K! Get a little more graphic than that, girlfriend!
• When asked about the couple's very obvious chemistry, both on and offscreen, she said it was all part of the job, insisting she had to stay close to Rob to play her character well.
"Any good relationship that I've had with an actor has been so emotional and personal," she told the press. "If you don't have that, then you're just lying. I have that with Taylor."
• Poor Taylor! He's the deflector for everything. Even Rob pawns the attention off of him and on to Tay-Tay
"I hadn't worked out at all until I saw Taylor at the beginning of the year," Pattz said. "I felt incredibly inadequate and emasculated. I had a prepubescent teen body—I had A cups!"
• R.Pattz's ideal girlfriend: "I like people who are strong and have a lot of darkness to them."
Oh my, Rob and Kristen are so a match made in complicated heaven.
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