Monday, November 2, 2009

Brazil part 2 translated

More of the Brazilian press conference.  The Q&A has been translated for us.  I love that the press has started and we get truthful stories and things come straight from the stars.

Q&A with Kristen & Taylor in Brazilian Part 2 (translated)

Question: When the Twilight sequel was confirmed, wasn’t sure if Taylor Lautner continue in the role of Jacob Black yet. How you dealt with the question?

Kristen Stewart: In everyone’s mind, Taylor Lautner was ideal for the role. He was young that time, but we knew he was the right guy for the character. The media did this uncertainty appear bigger, especially if we compare to the feeling of the rest of the cast.

Taylor Lautner: At that time there wasn’t a director appointed. Even without knowing what would happen, I focused on what should play. I prepared for Jacob even without knowing if I would continue to interpret it.

Question: Comic-Con 2009 had a large cover because of the larger Twilight saga panel and of fans who attended the event. How you faced the situation?

Taylor: Our fans are very emotional and warm wherever we are. It didn’t happened only at Comic-Con, is everywhere. Several people slept in front of the hotel from yesterday to today, for example!

Kristen: Comic-Con was the first place that showed images and pieces of New Moon. Today a lot of material is released, but there was the first time. I thought very cool the unprecedented interaction that happened to the fans in California.

Question: What are the main differences between Twilight and New Moon?

Taylor: I didn’t participate actively in Twilight, I was only in some scenes. I can talk about working with Chris Weitz, who is a very talented guy. It was great.

Kristen: When you work with someone so talented, you feel challenged. Chris Weitz let us take possession of our roles, build our characters. In the first film, Bella is completely safe. In New Moon, she doesn’t know nothing anymore, but this innate confidence is recovered with the help of Jacob and with the return of Edward. The story slows down a bit and becomes more real.

Question: To what do you attribute the success of the saga in Brazil?

Taylor: I think the series is much more than stories about vampires and werewolves. People around the world can identify with the situations, no matter which country.

Kristen: It is basically a love story. There is an exaggerated emotional level that we don’t see every day. The impacts of this love change even the physical state of Bella, is something very unusual. Definitely the saga isn’t just about vampires and werewolves.

Question: In a recent Brazilian study, they concluded that children from 9 to 13 years prefer Jacob than Edward. How can this phenomenon be explained?

Taylor: I don’t know, I think that in Brazil there are many fans of Jacob [laughs]. I love his personality and I’m very grateful to won the role and the love of fans.

Question: How often Robert Pattinson is in the movie, since he hardly appears in the book?

Kristen: Robert is very active in New Moon, even it’s only in Bella’s head.

Taylor: It's a way to develop the love triangle, since in Twilight the focus was on Bella and Edward. Now Jacob has his time.

Kristen: It's cool, because you realize how Bella starts to fall love with Jacob. If you didn’t remember what happened, Edward and Robert Pattinson, probably wouldn’t complain if she stayed with Jacob [laughs].

Question: What are the arguments for Bella choose Jacob?

Taylor: I feel that this question is a mess, but let’s try [laughs]. Everything depends about the type of girl that she is and what she likes. Jacob and Edward are opposites.

Kristen: Jacob is great to Bella in theory. She is more natural when is with him, but the girls not always choose what seems to be the best alternative [laughs]. They mess up a little bit of friendship and love.

Question: You read the books before the scripts?

Taylor: Definitely. When filmed Twilight, Jacob was very different. The books help us with the details.

Kristen: I was working very hard that time and I wasn’t sure what Twilight was. I read the script, I really enjoyed and then I searched the books. The script is only a sketch. Whenever we do an iconic scene we rely on the books.

Question: How was to interpret the change of "Bella protected" in Twilight to "Bella aggressive" in New Moon?

Kristen: I didn’t think it was a difficult transition. It is a natural change. In New Moon, because of what happens to Edward, Bella got mature. She is becoming a woman, is no longer the little girl before.

Source, original source


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