Sunday, November 1, 2009

Brazil Press

With New Moon around the corner the press tour has started.  Taylor and Kristen are in Brazil right now and Rob is in Japan.  We have great pictures of Kristen and Taylor from the Press conference in Brazil.  They look great, and I like how Kstew's hair is growing out so it doesn't look so much like a mullet (even thought she could pull it off).
Some details from fans: Kristen said she had no idea that Sao Paulo could have a lot of buildings and praised the Brazilian fans. "The fans were super friendly, warm , were very nice," she said.
AND WHATTT??? Kristen Stewart: I think that Bella should be with Jacob! Kstew said that Jacob is who Bella should stay, but girls make bad decisions sometimes. TEAM JACOB
The press conference ended less than one hour ago; so we’re bringing you the latest; First they had 5-10 mins photoshoot, after that they were showing 15 minutes of New Moon (people are tweeting that there was nothing new; just all the trailers and already released clips) and after that the almost half hour conference. We don’t know yet what the questions were bc there wasn’t any live streaming or something like that. But they did an interview with T & K that will be shown on brazilian TV!
One fan who had the chance to meet Kristen Stewart said that just before she comes close to Kris and the Tay, Kristen was sitting at a table near the pool, with some agents and a few more people, and was singing the song Fifteen of Taylor Swift. "via @kstewarmy
>>>>> Cutest thing ever!!!!!!
For #TeamEdward : kristen speaking of Edward and changed name for Robert!!
Another tons more pics and video added. 

More pictures at the Source and Source


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