'New Moon' Fan Questions Reveal Secret Music Career, Yearlong Dare
Billy Burke's iPhone app, Nikki Reed's Hawaiian getaway, Kellan Lutz's T.I. love and more 'Twilight' star secrets.
All week long, you've been exposing the innermost thoughts of the "New Moon"stars with questions submitted on the MTV Web site, getting their take on everything from scooters to "Twilight" plot points they'd like to see to what they find when they Google each other.
Now, the week is coming to an end and we have our final installment of "New Moon" Stars Answer Your Burning Questions — but don't worry, we've saved the best for last.
You might be a die-hard, but do you know which "Twilight" star once dropped out of acting for more than a year, just because of a dare? Or who can't start the day without listening to Justin Timberlake and T.I.? Read on for the answers to these and more questions, then feel free to post more of your best Mike Wallace-type queries below for the next time a "Twilight" star swings by the MTV studios.
Billy Burke
Q: What's the one place you can go to relax and get away from all the crazy and hectic situations you find yourself in as a "Twilight" star?
Q: What's the one place you can go to relax and get away from all the crazy and hectic situations you find yourself in as a "Twilight" star?
Burke: Well, if I want to get away and do nothing and try to think about nothing, I will go and sit at a poker table. That's what I do. That is my do-nothing leisure time. Other then that, I have a little room in my house that I lock myself in sometimes and — I don't get enough time to do this anymore — but I lock myself in there and write songs. Still, there's a little area of that river that's still going someplace in my life, and I still play guitar and piano, sing and write songs and do that stuff.
MTV: Do you ever get to record anything? Is there anywhere fans can find your stuff?
Burke: Yes, as a matter of fact I will soon be putting up some stuff for people to hear. I have an iPhone app.
MTV: Did Peter Facinelli turn you on to that? He's got his app.
Burke: Yeah, Rob DeFranco got Pete involved, then Rob called me and asked if I wanted to do that as well. At first, I had no idea what they were talking about. We're trying to create a direct link from that app that you can go and listen to some of my songs, which should be coming soon, hopefully.
Kellan Lutz
Q: What music is on your iPod?
Q: What music is on your iPod?
Lutz: A lot of Kings of Leon. But my favorite song is [T.I. and Justin Timberlake's] "Dead and Gone." I play that every morning when I wake up and listen to it as much as I can.
Nikki Reed
Q: What is the craziest thing you were dared to do, and then actually did?
Q: What is the craziest thing you were dared to do, and then actually did?
Reid: A year and a half ago, right before we shot "Twilight," a friend of mine said, "You don't know the value of money." And I was like, "OK, well, I grew up really poor, and in fact, I definitely know the value of money." Their argument was that I had never worked a minimum-wage job and I could in no way relate to a huge portion of the country. So I moved out of my house about a year and a half ago. I put everything I had up on Craigslist for free, and I moved to this little [Hawaiian] island called Kauai and worked in a clothing store. I didn't answer the phone to any of my agents and made 9 dollars an hour.
MTV: Wow! Did any of the customers recognize you?
Reid: In fact, someone came in one day and was like, "You look like that girl from 'Lords of Dogtown,' except she's a lot prettier than you." And I was like, "That's me! I had hair and makeup [people] then. Sorry!" People would drop their drinks, [and I'd do the] mopping. I was carrying and lifting boxes, calling my mom, like, "I can't do this!" And she was like, "Well, the rest of us have done it!" I was like, "OK, then I can do it — but I just wanna go home!" But I did it. And then I went and shot "Twilight."
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