Thursday, November 12, 2009

Kellan on Elm Street

Kellan talks about his up coming horror film remake Nightmare on Elm Street.

Kellan Lutz Calls A Nightmare on Elm Street "Scary"
Kellan Lutz may be pretty busy as Emmet Cullen in The Twlight Saga, but he still found time to play a role in the upcoming remake of A Nightmare on Elm Street. Lutz joked to that he may take over a surprise role.
It's great. I kill Jackie Earle Haley and take away his glove and sweater — the sweater itches.
Lutz will actually play Dean, one of Freddy's potential victims, and while he didn't give out any spoilers, he did promise that the movie will be scary.
It's really cool to be a part of something that now, since all our minds are so corrupted with blood, guts and gore, that this generation, it takes something special to scare our generation now. It's revamped. And where 10 years ago, someone just knocking on the door, you're like "Oh, w-who is that?" You know, what Nightmare on Elm Street is gonna show, it's scary. If you guys haven't seen the trailer, you know, how it's shot and the things that you will see from the movie will scare you. And it's a great psychological thriller.
Lutz was apparently pretty comfortable making the movie, having grown up watching the previous Nightmare flicks.
It's such a blessing to be a part of something that for me, I grew up with. And a lot of things scared me growing up — mainly my brothers picking on me. But as far as Jason or Chucky, I had a Chucky doll, like those things didn't scare me. But Freddy Krueger, there's something... it's this psychological thriller that can take you in your dreams, you know? It's something that you can't physically take care of on your own.

Next Showing: A Nightmare on Elm Street opens April 16, 2010



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