Kristen Stewart's Near Run-In With Vamp (Not R.Pattz)
Kristen Stewart just can't get away from vampires, even offscreen.
The New Moon actress is back in L.A. and was just spotted leaving the L'Ermitage Hotel with a dude other than Rob Pattinson—and almost bumping into Vampire Diaries star Kayla Ewell.
With her dyed-black hair pulled back under a backward baseball cap and sporting her signature Raybans, Stewart talked to a few fans who caught her pulling out of the garage in a souped-up silver Dodge Magnum.
K.Stew attempted to remain incognito at first but admitted her star status after the persistent fans peered into the vehicle.
"Thanks," she simply smiled as the fans complimented her on her work.
As for the guy she was with?
It definitely wasn't R.Pattz, but take a deep breath, Robsten lovers.
It didn't look all that romantic.
The dude driving had dark hair and almost hit a passerby walking along the street as they attempted to jet away from the property.
As for Rob, he's got yet another admirer in Vampire Diaries star Kayla.
"I think I'm Team Edward!" she told me at the Asics and Hello Kitty event that was going down at the hotel. "I like vampires better than werewolves."
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