Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mall of America

Edi and Jamie stopped at the Mall of America as one of their stops for the cast tour.

'New Moon' Mall Tour: On The Scene With Edi Gathegi & Jamie Campbell Bower At The Mall Of America

If there was one thing “New Moon” fans found out last night at the latest mall tour stop, it was thatJamie Campbell Bower and Edi Gathegi have nothing to hide. Edi admitted he’s never seen “Titanic.” Jamie has never eaten a Pop-Tart. Edi’s Kelly voice really does sound feminine. And Jamie’s favorite “New Moon” scene happens to be one of the more emotional moments—when Edward leaves Bella. “It’s incredibly heart wrenching, and a beautiful scene,” he said.

Even in the spacious Mall of America, a chorus of intermittent screams made it easy to find the hundreds of Twihards who had waited hours in line in hopes of obtaining an autograph from Volturi Caius and vampire Laurent. Add that wait to the time they’d already endured just to get the wristbands necessary to stand in that line and it was easy to understand their restlessness.

Some, like Kaelie Kennedy, 17 and Brittany Johnson, 16 (pictured below in custom created t-shirts) both from Cottage Grove, got to the mall early (before-the-sun-rises early) on Halloween to try and snag one of the 500 wristbands that would give them a chance, to get a silver signature on a “New Moon” poster. (Select others were able to get a VIP lanyard that would guarantee their photo with the cast members.) Their dedication was apparent—unlike the hundreds of other fans who’d come wearing the black “New Moon” T-shirt, Kaelie and Brittany repeated their actions from the last “Twilight” tour and wore their own homemade shirts. “We just like making shirts just for the events—it adds to the excitement,” said Brittany. From the photos below, it’s pretty clear that these girls are Team Jacob, or, in their words “Anti-Edward.”
They weren’t the only ones who were rooting on Jacob. Other fans were so adamantly on his team that they announced they’re ready to fight for him. “We challenge Taylor Swift to a duel,” began 16-year-old Merrelly Garcia, “… to take Taylor away from us!” finished 13-year-old Alexandra Castellanos. Along with about five other friends from various suburbs, the girls’ shouts affirmed their dedication to the werewolf: “He’s hottttttt!”

While Edi and Jamie signed posters with their Sharpies, fans continued making their way to the rotunda. After a trivia session in which two males from the overwhelmingly female crowd attempted to show off their knowledge of both “Twilight” and “New Moon,” Anya Marina (pictured above) took the stage. She attempted to settle the Edward/Jacob question once and for all, but the screams of Merrelly and others weren’t enough to pull Jacob ahead in the poll. Even with a recount—er, re-scream—Edward was the fave in the audience that night. Everyone could scream in unison for Anya, however. Along with the soundtrack-featured “Satellite Heart,” which she acknowledged was written for Bella, Anya played four other songs, including “Whatever You Like.”

After her performance, the rotunda stayed relatively quiet, aside from the impatient murmurings of the crowd and the speakers playing Death Cab’s “Meet Me on the Equinox” and other soundtrack favorites. But, 15 minutes later, the crowd—now numbering in the thousands as interested mall-goers gathered around the railings on the three floors above—erupted as fans sensed their favorite evil vampires nearing the stage. With their loudest screams yet, the Twihards welcomed Edi and Jamie to the platform.

During the Q and A session, the actors revealed that even though they play evil characters, they certainly have sentimental sides, too. Jamie’s favorite animal? “A whale. Any form of whale is good,” he said. “They’re very gentle and slow creatures.” (Edi, on the other hand, prefers “very aggressive and fast creatures,” like panthers. Go figure, right?)

During story time with Edi, Edi recounted to Jamie the story of his “Kelly” voice, which he would use multiple times over the next 20 or so minutes (“Team Edward! Omigod!”). Jamie didn’t offer any hint of his own “Kelly” voice, but joked that his first audition tape was for a very important female role: “I have played Bella Swan. That’s my original audition tape and it will never see the light of day.” (Edi, very seriously, said he would choose to play James if he could be another character, “just because he’s all the way bad, and it’s fun and liberating to be bad.”)
Both Edi and Jamie agreed that they’d choose to be vampires over werewolves (of course!), but Jamie’s reasoning was oddly practical. “You’d lose your clothes when you transformed every time [into a werewolf],” Jamie said. “You’d have to buy a new wardrobe every day.”

The final question brought some Shakespeare out of Edi, who began reciting Hamlet when asked if he’d choose to be or not to be immortal if given the chance. After trailing off mid-line, he answered, “I would do it if I could turn the coolest woman in the world [immortal], so I would have a partner in crime for eternity.”
KDWB radio personality Steve-O, posed that Jamie (who plays the guitar and sings in his band, The Darling Buds) could be a “Rock God” in the year 2090 if he chose immortality. Jamie replied: “It seems to be working for the Rolling Stones, so I’m gunna say yes.”
For now, though, the mortal life seems to be treating both of them very well. Acting is “the funnest job in the world,” according to Edi. “It’s my calling and I decided to do it, and I have a wonderful time with it.”
“When I was given the opportunity to be in the second [Twilight movie], I really jumped at the chance,” said Jamie. “It’s a great story and it’s got some phenomenal fans: you guys.”



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