Sunday, November 1, 2009

Rob in Fabulous

The article on Rob from Fabulous magazine.

Robert Pattinson. Edward Cullen. The Sexiest Man In The World. He's known by many names, but one thing's for sure - we've all been bitten by the RPattz bug

Teens and women old enough to know better swoon at the mere mention of his name. Even Hollywood siren Megan Fox has developed a serious crush, calling the British actor "outrageously attractive". But Ms Fox, 23, had better join the back of the queue because with the launch of New Moon - the second film in the cult Twilight saga - Robert Pattinson's sex symbol stocks are about to go stratospheric.
Not that he would know it, of course. In the flesh, the man who made fangs sexy remains remarkably unaware of the power he wields over women. And that kind of makes us love him more.
"All the screaming is so bizarre," he tells us. "It's a scream of wanting, but I have absolutely no idea what they want. How can I satisfy that? When there are girls standing there trembling and crying, that's a very strange thing to be a part of."
If you're reading this wondering just who the hell the big man with big hair is, we've got to ask - where have you been hiding for the last year?
Star of the blockbuster vampire flick Twilight, the first adaptation from Stephenie Meyer's cult novels, Robert, 23, has gone from virtual anonymity to mega-stardom. For those of you who aren't Twi-hard fans, the books revolve around the love story between mortal schoolgirl Bella Swan and brooding 'vegetarian' vampire Edward Cullen. Since the first film was released last November, the world has gone RPattz crazy - Fabulous included.
So has it all gone to his hair... er, sorry, head? Absolutely not. He confesses his sense of style is "terrible", telling us: "I wear the same thing every day. I don't know how to use a washing machine. My body runs off junk food. The funny thing is that people are always disappointed when they recognise me. They're like: 'Oh, I thought you were a bum at first...'"
o who is the man that has spawned a thousand hairdos? Born in London to vintage car dealer Richard and model scout Clare, Robert attended the prestigious £14,500-a-year Harrodian School. But he owes his acting career to the Barnes Theatre Company - and his dad's roving eye.
"Dad was in a restaurant and saw a bunch of pretty girls and decided to go up and ask where they'd been. They said they went to this drama club, so he said we'd better go down too!" he laughs.

In 2003, aged 17, he landed his first film role, playing Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire. Acting work was slow to follow - he even became a female hand model because people thought he had womanly hands! - and then came the turning point that changed his life forever. Twilight director Catherine Hardwicke was on the lookout for someone with the right blend of intensity, sensitivity and brooding good looks to play Edward to perfection. After seeing Harry Potter, she thought he was ideal. He didn't.
"I said to my manager: 'I can't do that thing where someone comes up behind you and you look scared,'" he explains. "And he said: 'What? Acting?' And I was like: 'That's it! I can't do that!'"

But everyone else thinks he can - and they love him for it. The Twilight premiere in New York last year was frenzied. At another personal appearance, fights broke out - one fan had her nose broken. Robert has been approached on the street by girls who have drawn blood from their necks and he was even hit by a taxi in New York trying to flee a flock of smitten fans.
Unbelievably, he says: "Girls scream for Edward, not Robert. I still can't get a date!"
In fact, Robert says he's a dating disaster zone.
"It's weird. If you try and chat people up, everyone's like: 'You're an actor. You probably sleep with everybody.' Fame does the opposite of what you'd expect," he says.
And it seems Robert doesn't help himself, admitting he crumbles when he meets a girl he likes - just like his Twilight character.
"Edward really liked Bella, felt a connection, but held back. I do it so many times too," he admits. "Whenever I like someone subconsciously I think: 'Don't like me. I'm a d*ck.'"

Ever the gentleman, Robert is also concerned about the attention a girlfriend of his would have to deal with. Bless.
"I'm worried for their sake," he admits. "Especially if they're not famous. It's weird I have to think about that."
Such a comment only adds further fuel to the rumours that his relationship with co-star Kristen Stewart, 19, who plays Bella, is more than just professional. Earlier this year they were spotted in a clinch at a Kings Of Leon concert (the band is one of their shared loves, as are Camel Lights), enjoying an intimate dinner after the MTV Movie Awards in June, and then cosying up for three nights in August at Rob's suite at LA's Chateau Marmont after being reunited following a summer apart.
For ever-relaxed Robert, such rumours are simply "ridiculous and bizarre" and he insists they're "just really great friends".
So what attributes would Robert's ideal girl have?
"I don't have a type," he says. "I like it when people aren't afraid to express themselves about what they wear and how they behave."
Kooky dress sense and opinionated? Hmm sounds like a certain Twilight actress we know...

Thanks for the tip twilight-gossip


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