Friday, November 6, 2009

Rob press conference

Now onto Rob's section.

article 1:

Robert Pattinson, Control Freak?

Robert Pattinson may seem like the happy-go-lucky type, but make no mistake—when it comes to his acting career, he rules his destiny with an iron fist.
During a press conference to promote the Twilight sequel New Moon at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills on Friday, the World's Sexiest Vampire admitted that he has a wee bit of trouble relinquishing control to others. As in, he hates it and avoids doing so at all costs:
"I have very specific ideas about how I want to do my work and how I want to be perceived and when…and to the point of ridiculousness sometimes. I don’t listen to anyone else, that’s why I don’t have a publicist at all, I can’t stand it when someone is telling me how to do something. It’s maybe a mistake sometimes. I like being, meticulous and its difficult as an actor to have that control."
Now if only he could apply some of that control to his rabid fans...
Article 2:
New Moon Shockers: R.Pattz Isn't Romantic + More!

Edward Cullen? All kinds of melodramatic romantic. Robert Pattinson? Not so much, at least, according to Robert Pattinson.
"I really haven't done that many romantic things in my life...I mean, I've watched Titanic," he said today at a press conference promoting New Moon, the second part in, like, only the most important movie series like ever. Another shocking reveal: The actor-musician, who even had a song on the Twilightsoundtrack, has never serenaded anyone.
"Oh no. You need to have so much balls to do that, Jesus Christ," he said. "I put a flower on someone's locker when I was 15."
What else did Pattz reveal? Oh, so much...
  • His demographic is wide. Like, really, really wide. "There was a woman who came up to me the other day, she must have been in her nineties...and they would say exactly the same things as 12-year-old girls. It's kind of bizarre."
  • His costar Taylor Lautner is ripped, and he knows it. "Taylor had agreed to an interview where the interviewer was going to fight him," Pattz said. "I don't think I would ever agree to do that. Looking at Taylor's martial arts videos from when he was 9, I wouldn't want to. Maybe if I had a weapon."
  • If he isn't romantic, he sure is possessive...about his image. "I guess I get quite obsessive about things, possessive. I have very specific ideas about how I want to do my work and how I want to be perceived, to the point of ridiculousness sometimes. I don't listen to anyone, that's why I don't have a publicist or anything. I couldn't stand it if someone tried to tell me what to do."
  • He estimates he has had less than a week off in the past year. "I have been on sets from three different films since January," he said. "And I've had like three days off."
One final tidbit: Pattz told the press that he felt the biggest connection to his character during the climax of New Moon. We won't say any more. We ain't spoilin'.

We all waited patiently and were rewarded with the amazing Robert Pattinson, more pics should be coming soon also. The following report is from our twitter friend @taryder, who by far gave us good tweets about Rob, see her comments below, they are in descending order so you will need to start at post 15. and work your way back:

I was like omg I'm so sorry, he laughed, I asked how he was hanging in there he goes "oh man I'm tired! I'm sort of hanging in I guess" from TwitterBerry

As for when I bumped into rob rushing out of bathroom to try to make sure I didn't miss any of his press conference.... from TwitterBerry

And its a Wrap folks!! Wow I'm tired. And my thimbs hurt from TwitterBerry

He also said he's going to try to be less self-deprecating in interviews bc pple are starting to believe it fromTwitterBerry

I just asked weirdest thing he's read about himself: "that I was pregnant!" Tons of funny bites from him fromTwitterBerry

Robs laughing bc he can't think of a romantic thing he's done. Says he hasn't serenaded anyone bc it takes a lot of balls lol from TwitterBerry

Rob says he can't listen to anyone else which is why he doesn't have a publicist. Do u love this guy or what? fromTwitterBerry

Rob says he shares being self-righteous with edward as well as being obsessive and posessive...he says in some ways about his privacy from TwitterBerry

Rob says its a fact edward would in in fight v jacob. "That's what the books say!" from TwitterBerry

What u want me to ask him? Thinking same thing we asked taylor from TwitterBerry

Says he's still exactly the same since before fame "which isn't exactly a good thing". Hardly! from TwitterBerry

Rob said he's had like 3 days off since Jan 14. "I'm on set all the time!" from TwitterBerry

He's gorgeous! Hair perfectly wild, leather jacket and red plaid shirt underneath. @theawful truth agrees w/ me of course from TwitterBerry

Said he asked for kristen's advice on how to play edward from TwitterBerry

Best for last rob's here- who btw literally just ran into on his way into conference. He's seriously so nice. More on that in a bit from TwitterBerry
Account per Celebuzz's perspective:

Robert Pattinson, Control Freak?: Robert Pattinson may seem like the happy-go-lucky type, but make no mistake—when... from twitterfeed

Conference is over! Phew! What a crazy afternoon. :) Did u see our story on Taylor Lautner talking Taylor Swift? from web

Robert Pattinson - I’ve got to stop being so self deprecating bc people are starting to believe it. #newmoon from web

Recently some magazine reported that I was pregnant, without a hint of irony or anything. I don’t even know what 2 make of that one. -RPattz from web

Rob's favorite vampire: I really like Wesley Snipes, I think Wesley Snipes is great (Bladerunner) #rpattz #newmoon#robertpattinson from web

Robs most romantic move: I put a rose on a girls locker when I was 15, or maybe I was 14. She thought it was someone else, and he claimed it from web

Rob on serending someone: You need to have so much balls to do that, Jesus Christ. #newmoon #rpattz #robertpattinson from web

Robert says his heart has never been broken like Edawrd's when he has to leave Bella. #newmoon #robertpattinson #rpattz from web

Who is ready for DVD extras? Rob said "There have been loads and loads of the apparition scenes cut out." #newmoon from web

On Rob's appearances in New Moon: I was so worried that it was going to be random scenes. #newmoon #robertpattinson#rpattz from web

Robert Pattinson connected to New Moon the most out of the Twilight series. #newmoon #robertpattinson #rpattz from web

Rob seems very confident answering questions, and his hair is only moderately messy today. :) from web

We spoke to Robert Pattinson Interview Part 1  from the New Moon Press conference that took place today.
Click here to listen to part one

Here Robert Pattinson interview from the New Moon Press Conference. Listen to Robert as he talks about his relationship with Kristen Stewart, dealing with the press, romance and future projects and much more.
Let us know what you think….. More New Moon stories to come.

Source of article 1
Source of article 2
Source of tweets put together and picture


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