Sunday, November 1, 2009

Taylor in Fabulous

Taylor's interview with Fabulous magazine.  He talks New Moon and fans.

A rippling torso, not to mention those biceps...Taylor Lautner's beefed up to give RPattz a run for his money in the hottie stakes

Over the next few weeks there will be just one question on everyone's lips: Team Taylor or Team Pattinson?
When Twilight was born, there was only one leading man - Robert Pattinson. But now, with the dawn of New Moon, there's a tantalising twist in the Twilight saga in the form of Taylor Lautner, the man behind werewolf Jacob Black.

To say the 17 year old has grown up for New Moon is an understatement. While Robert's been running away from fans, martial arts expert Taylor has beefed up after working out for two hours a day ready for his big moment. And boy, have we noticed.
But will Taylor be an even bigger teen idol than RPattz? We got our claws in to him to find out...

Well hel-lo Taylor! First thing's first: who's the hunk and what have you done with the slightly skinny boy from film one? I've been working out. A lot! I hit the gym for two hours a day, five times a week, and overdosed on protein. I had to eat every two hours.
Has it taken long to get the buff body? I started training the day after Twilight ended because I knew how much work I had to do [Jacob becomes super-strong and gets muscles all over the place in New Moon]. I put on 20lb of muscle and I guaranteed I'd put on another 10lb before we started shooting the third film, Eclipse.
Do you know the effect you're having on women now? I don't know about that! I just tried to enhance Jacob's body.
Is it weird to see how obsessed fans are about you? Yeah, it's weird to see shirts that say 'Team Taylor' on them. I don't own one - or a Team Taylor thong either! I'm waiting for the day where a fan says: "Can you sign my underwear?"
If you could have played Edward, would you? It would be a hard decision, but I'm definitely Team Jacob.

Tell us about the rivalry between Jacob and Edward. Edward? Who's Edward? I'm kidding. Jacob is more human- like than Edward. In Twilight, you don't really know much about Jacob, just that he's a happy-go-lucky guy who's in love with Bella. You get to know him much more in New Moon.
Was it easy to create chemistry with Kristen? It's not tough working with someone as talented as Kristen. We get along really well so it was fun. The characters have fun together too. Edward and Bella are so intense, whereas Jacob and Bella are totally different together.
Robert's all about the hair - what's yours like this time? I still have the wig until Jacob cuts his long hair off when he becomes a werewolf - which was a relief because the wig was really itchy and got into my mouth when I was trying to speak!
You run around semi-naked in New Moon. How was that? Interesting, especially as it was freezing cold!

We don't dare imagine! What's your favourite scene? Jacob and Bella's break-up. It's the first time Bella sees Jacob after he's transformed into a werewolf. It's really emotional.
How does it feel to have your own action figure? It's weird, but I've saved a few because you never know if all this will ever happen again. I feel very lucky to be a part of it.

thanks for the tip twilight-gossip


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