Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Twi-Cast Member of the Day

Time for another parent from Twilight...

Sarah Clarke!!

Sarah plays Bella's mom Renee in Twilight and Twilight Saga: Eclipse (June 30, 2010).  Renee remarries to a baseball player, which is the reason behind Bella's move to Forks.  Thanks to Renee, Bella meets Edward and Jacob (without the marriage to Phil, there would be no story).

Before Twilight Sarah could be seen in many great movies and TV shows.  She was on 24 and Trust Me.  Plus she was in All About George, The Third Date, Happy Endings and Women in Trouble.  She was also in Thirteen, the movie Nikki wrote and Catherine directed.  Sarah played Birdie in Thirteen.

In the future other than Eclipse, we will be seeing Sarah in Bedrooms, Below the Beltway, and Level Seven.

Sarah is married to another actor named Xander Berkeley and they have one child together.

I am really glad that she was in Twilight, that Catherine figured out ways to have her in there.  I can't wait to see the Florida scenes in Eclipse, but I do with they would have had her in New Moon a little (but who knows Im just going off Imdb and she could have a small part in New Moon that we don't know about and will find out on November 20).  She made a great Renee in Twilight.



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