Saturday, February 27, 2010

Alloy interview

Great Yellow Handkerchief interview with some new stills.


It may be a bit jarring to seeKristen Stewart so far away from Forks, but at least her new co-star is best friends with Rob Pattinson!Eddie Redmayne and Kristen team up in The Yellow Handkerchief, a film about a road trip through post-Katrina New Orleans. In the movie, Kristen hops in a car with two strangers... and the rest you'll just have to see for yourself!
What made you want to play this part?
Kristen: When I read the script it was one of those things that you get really excited about and then instantly really sick because you're not sure that you've got the part. I was sort of undeniably emotionally moved by it and I think just regarding the person that I played, she makes such a comeback. I feel like in the beginning she's so clearly disappointed in everything around her and that first time you see her she's rejected and that's what she's running from.
Can you identify with the whole teenage runaway attitude that you have in the film?
Kristen: I feel like [running away] was so not thought out. It's a pretty courageous thing to do to get in that car. And especially for a young girl, it can be considered silly. But I can identify with her in that she is doing something that is dangerous but that will ultimately be absolutely worth it. I can absolutely relate to that.
You guys must have spent a lot of time in the car. Any funny stories from filming?
Eddie: [For the scene] when we hit the [deer], we had a load of crew in the back with lights and all this stuff. And I had to do this screeching break as we hit this thing and I was like, "Be careful because I am screeching this car..."
Kristen: Again and again you said it.
Eddie: "...It's gonna be quite a jolt when we stop." And they said "No problem, man, no problem." And we did the scene and they cut to me and I break the car and I scream and this guy got all bruised out of the back! And I'm like, "I told you man, I told you."
Kristen, your character is into ballet in the movie. Did you have to take any ballet classes to prepare?
Kristen: Yeah. Something that was initially really daunting about the character was that she loved to dance and that she really used her physicality as a means of control and power. Before I did this movie I don't think I did a two-step. So I took some ballet lessons from these really hardcore ballerinas, but what I always thought about the character was that she wasn't really one to take a class. She sort of was like, "I really wanna do that." So then I didn't have to say that I was a trained ballerina, which I would never ever be able to accomplish in the two weeks that we had before we started shooting.
Eddie: Remember how obsessed you became with your dance shoes, though? Jazz pumps. You became obsessed.
Kristen: I have like, 16 pairs of these little white Capezios.
Eddie's character plays around with a disposable camera in the movie. Did you keep any souvenirs of the photos you took?
Eddie: We did, actually. The photos used in the scrapbook in the movie are ones we took of Kristen doing her dance.
Your characters are cut off from the outside world once Kristen's phone dies. Do you ever turn off your cell phones just to see what happens?
Kristen: I always turn my phone off and really infuriate a lot of people.
In the movie, a big storm hits and it's rainy and gloomy for a while. Have you ever lived in that kind of climate?
Kristen: I haven't had crazy weather... Wait a second -- what am I talking about? I just made three films in the Pacific Northwest. I know the depression that is the cold west.
So does the dark weather really mess with your mood?
Kristen: Yeah, absolutely. I think that's sort of undeniable. If you're cold for three months and you're always trying to stay dry...
Eddie: It's interesting, though. In London we used to have horrific weather. But when I came to LA, the expectation is for continual sunshine. You expect it to be the perfect Hollywood dream and when it's not, it can be mildly depressing.
Have you learned anything interesting about each other since you spent so much time together?
Kristen: There's nothing interesting to learn about this guy.
Eddie: There's nothing interesting to learn about her.



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