Friday, February 5, 2010

Hurricane Bells: ‘Monsters’ Video Premiere

Hurricane Bells, who sang “Monsters” on the New Moon soundtrack, now have a video for the song!
A supernatural video treatment is fitting for the song, which can be found on the soundtrack for ‘New Moon,’ the second film in the vampire-werewolf world of the ‘Twilight’ series. The track didn’t make it onto the debut Hurricane Bells album, ‘Tonight Is the Ghost,’ but it did come to fruition during the same time period.
“‘Monsters’ was written a while back, along with a batch of songs that later became the Hurricane Bells record,” Schiltz explains. “I liked the combination of the kind of catchy little melody with the more sinister lyrics. I recorded it in 2008 and decided it didn’t fit on ‘Tonight is the Ghost,’ so I left it off, and eventually the ‘Twilight’ folks got a hold of it.”
Schiltz has one more interesting tidbit to share: “The car that is attacked by shopping carts in the video is now for sale on the Syracuse Craigslist page. The leader shopping cart is not for sale. Bill is keeping that.”


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