Twilight Cast Members Shift The Power PSA | Julia Jones from Video Army on Vimeo.
Director Brett Mazurek of the Shift The Power PSA sent us some behind the scenes photos from the shoot to show their appreciation of our support and help get the word out about the South Dakota’s Lakota Sioux- Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Crisis.
As a small token of our appreciation, we wanted to send you some exclusive Behind the Scenes photos from the shoot. It was shot at the Video Army Headquarters in Venice Beach, Ca, directed by Brett Mazurek, photos done by Edison from Venice Paparazzi and produced by Chaske Spencer and Josselyne Herman of United Global Shift. Thank you again—>You ALL ROCK! –BrettCheck out the Shift The Power PSA one more time! PEOPLE! It is soooo easy!! Just go to Shift The Power to learn more on how you can help!
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