Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Twilight’s Anna Kendrick is a rising star

By Kim Palacios
Her role as Jessica Stanley in the Twilight Saga movies may be small, but Anna Kendrick is making it big. That’s why fans were so impressed (but not surprised) to see her as a guest at last weekend’s White House Correspondents’ Association dinner.
As with all star-studded events, fashionistas and scenesters commented on celebrity attire, and Kendrick was no exception. Praised for her couture gown (style pundits loved her pale lavender Elie Saab), Kendrick also scored wins with her public by tweeting about her experience during the event.
The stardom that Kendrick has experienced in recent years stands in stark relief to that of “Twilight” co-stars, Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor Lautner. Whereas the popularity of the latter three has been rooted in large roles and their ability to cultivate feverish fan-bases (which translates to money for movie studios, merchandisers, and marketers), Kendrick has made her name based purely on critical acclaim. Her Oscar nod for Best Supporting Actress in the 2009 film “Up in the Air” catapulted her forward to give some modicum of instant artistic credibility. Whereas Kendrick’s talent remains unchallenged, critics of Kristen and Rob still question whether either can really act.
Her appearance at the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner only adds to the sentiment that Kendrick is to be taken seriously. That just goes to prove the old adage about there being no such thing as a small part.


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