Sunday, June 13, 2010

Jackson on The Last Airbender

Unlike his Eclipse co-stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, who have chosen to star in smaller, more intimate movies between each chapter in The Twilight Saga (Remember Me and The Runaways, respectively), Jackson Rathbone jumped at the chance to appear in another fantasy movie with franchise potential. He played Sokka in The Last Airbender during his downtime from playing a vampire. In a recent interview with MTV, Rathbone said that the chance to work with director M. Night Shyamalan was a huge incentive to star in the movie.
I got to work with M. Night, which was amazing. You know, I've been a huge fan of his since The Sixth Sense. It was one of those things as a young actor where you're growing up and getting to work with the filmmakers you used to study. I used to study his films when I was in high school. I just used to watch them and all of his shots, and now I get to be a part of it. So, it's pretty exciting.
Rathbone went on to say that shooting the movie on location in Greenland also presented some interesting learning experiences for him as an actor.
One of the things we got to learn about while working on The Last Airbender was how to act in weather when it's about 80 degrees below zero. We filmed the first two weeks in Greenland and it was the coldest I've ever been. So cold that I don't think my eyes functioned correctly. I couldn't blink! You know, it was one of those things. It was just so cold. So, I learned a lot how to act under heavy circumstances, extreme circumstances, if you will.

And, in other Airbender news, TeaserTrailer has nabbed some curious posters for the movie that appear to be Discovery Channel-style informationals about two of the strange creatures that inhabit the land of the Air Nomads. The first poster depicts "Momo, the flying lemur-bat" and the other poster depicts "Appa, the flying bison", creatures that so far have not been seen in any of the promotional materials or trailers for the movie.


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