Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Stephenie talks Midnight Sun More

'Twilight' Author Stephenie Meyer Talks 'Midnight Sun,' Potential Spin-Offs

'I'd be really happy ... if I could just pick up that thread of thought and go with it,' she tells MTV News of the leaked 'Sun.'

When MTV News caught up with "Twilight" author Stephenie Meyer at the"Eclipse" premiere in Los Angeles last week, she reiterated that her"burned-out on vampires" sentiments are still preventing her from finishing "Midnight Sun."
"This is really fun," she said, referencing the big premiere and extensive red carpet, "But I am burned out on vampires. It's like homework now. I think some of that is working on the ['The Twilight Saga: The Official Guide'], and it really is like homework, because I love to write and I want to write with joy."
When asked whether "Sun," the unfinished "Twilight" companion book told from Edward's perspective, would be completely different from the version that leaked online in 2008, Meyer was undecided.
"I'd be really happy if it was not different, if I could just pick up that thread of thought and go with it," she said. "One of the things that makes it hard to write is knowing people are going to say, 'This is so much worse than the original' or 'This is so much better.' ... That's why you don't want your early drafts leaked, because the magic of editing, you kind of see the man behind the curtain at that point."
Regarding her recent "Twilight" spin-off book "The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner," Meyer was reluctant to speculate on what other characters in her "Twilight" world could be featured in future standalone books.
"I don't know if there are spin-off books," she said. "We're doing the guide, and a lot of those backstories I was telling [screenwriter] Melissa [Rosenberg] about, that's where the source is. ... I think a lot of those stories will be out there with the guide — not in a very long version, but I think, in a way, people feel like they know all those stories."



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