Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Twilightninjas Exclusive: LA Eclipse Screening Review [6/14]

***NOTE: I hope you all enjoy this post. I know it‘s a bit long but I wanted all of you to know how things went down down last night. [This is basically how i saw everything & what i did] **
Last night I attended the Eclipse screening in LA at the Chinese Mann 6 theater in Hollywood. I arrived around 6:30 pm, it wasn't as crowded as I thought it would be, but once I got inside, i find that the theater was pretty much full already! I ended up sitting on the 3rd front row [seat3].. I had a feeling it was a good place to sit. Everyone got settled down by 7:30 pm I think & they started the movie. About 10mins into the movie, there were”technical difficulties” [I thought, “yeah right”] & turn the lights out. I had a feeling something big was about to happen. And sure enough, Jimmy Kimmel’s head pops up on the screen! [Everyone screaming! ] I couldn’t really hear what he said after, because all the screaming wouldn’t die down. But then we see he has Kristen, Rob, & Taylor with him! They allowed them to say hey through  the live feed [there was lots of screaming by now]& we find out they could see us too! Rob was all laughs [gave us a wave],as was Taylor, & Kristen was smiling [I think they loved our reaction].  After a  minute or so of seeing out beloved trio on the live feed, Jimmy asked us if we wanted to see an onset kiss! Of course everyone started screaming again. Kristen was shaking her head & laughing nervously, so she take  Rob’s & Taylor’s heads, & bumps them against each other [softly]. Rob & Taylor are all laughs.  After that, jimmy asks us if we want to see some of the stars from the movie! of course, the screaming starts again , & we see Xavier,Bryce, Peter, & Dakota come out from the exit from the front left side of the theater! I was so close , that I could see the blue color of Peters eyes! By now, the fans are screaming, clapping, & just going nuts! After the noise dies down, Peter announces that they were here to play out scenes form the movie because of the “technical difficulties”.  people are screaming yet again with excitement [yup, I know…there‘s a lot of “screaming” I‘m mentioning. There was A LOT of hat happening…can you blame us?…lol]. Of course Peter was just joking, but after a few minutes, the were ushered out to head back to the jimmy kimmel show. Peter looked like he wanted to stay, but some pulled him along [I guess the were telling him they needed to go.]. On his way out,he sighs some autographs, gives out a few hugs, & leaves with the rest of them [I knew I should‘ve sat on the 1st row! Oh well, at least I was close enough to see them really close!].while they step out, they dim the light, & start the movie from the beginning. After the movie was over [around 9:30 pm], i stayed for the closing credits & then left. Now, what do you think  i did after?!

i went Eclipse shopping of course. i ended up leaving Hollywood around 10p.m. All in all, it was amazing evening!

Ok, now, here is my review about the movie:
IT WAS A-M-A-I-Z-I-N-G!!! seriously just breath taking. The scenes are all played out so well. I loved how they introduce Rob & Kristen's  first scene [*small spoiler*: this is not the 1st scene of the movie]. Now, I am going to list some of my favorite scenes. [Don‘t worry, you all know these are in the movie, since they‘re in the book]:
~Charlie’s sex talk:
 it’s really funny. I can’t really say much about how this scene plays out without giving up details [which I won’t], but it does not disappoint! 
~Sleep over with Edward: 
OME! This scene is just so sweet [besides the hotness]! I mean we all know what the books says [of course that‘s in the movie (not really a spoiler)], but they add something so sweet to this scene, that makes it just perfect. I can’t say if it’s before or after the really HOT scene, but I loved it. Oh! And just to let you know, the pics of this scene [that have released] do not do it’s justice of exactly how HOT it really is!
~The tent scene: 
There’s humor & drama in this scene. I mean, it’s intense! It’s exactly how  I pictured it. I can’t say much, without giving something away, but I can promise you it will not dissappoint!
~The battle scenes [New borns v.s. Cullens & pack / Edward & seth v.s. Riley & Victoria]: 
The graphics are amazing! How they’re all played out, is just mind blowing! There’s a lot happening in these scenes everywhere you look! The book  describes bot battels well, & i know everyone has there ideas on how they play out. But when you see them in the film, I know they wont dissappoint!
The movie in general is REALLY amazing [I know I‘m repeating myself, but it‘s the truth!]. I can honestly say David Slade did a terrific job putting Eclipse together. 
Now here are some other things you might want to know [not sure if you can call these spoilers]:
~Jasper fans! : 
Jackson will have more lines in this film. That’s all I’m going to say.
~Jacob fans!: 
The shirt stays off for most of the scenes.
~Edward fans!!!: 
Unlike in New Moon, we do see lots of Edward in this one. WARNING!: Angry Edward takes Edward to a whole new level of HOTNESS!
~make sure you read “The Second Short Life of Bree Tanner”
~Small soundtrack spoiler! : “Neutron Star Cullision” is NOT played in the ending credit like people thought.
**So I hope you all enjoyed my small review of Eclipse. I wanted to say more, but it‘s impossible without spoiling something[which is probably what most of you want, but just can‘t do it. [you‘ll have to wait til June 30th! ;D]. if you have any questions that you may want to ask me please comment below with your email address [or email me at the twilight ninjas email]  I will try to get back to you. Oh! & if you were there last night, I‘d like to hear from you as well !:]**

P.S. I’d like to thank Everglow for inviting me to the screening! And of course, I’s like to thank Xavier,Bryce, Peter, & Dakota for making a [small] appearance  last night [ We all appreciated it]!

***please source us if you are going to post this elsewhere. thank you.***


Anonymous said...

thank you for your review!!
What is the thing they add to the scene which re you speaking?
Can you desxribe me all the E/B scenes?
please (melcitron@yahoo.fr)

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the review! You didn't spoil anything, but you've got me really excited for the release! Especially now that I know the proposal and tent scene do justice to the book! Thanks again!

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