Thursday, July 1, 2010

Exclusive: Producer Wyck Godfrey Talks THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE, BREAKING DAWN, Other Projects, and the Eventual Ultimate TWILIGHT DVD/Blu-ray Box Set

With The Twilight Saga: Eclipse finally in theaters, it’s time to post my final interview and it’s with producer Wyck Godfrey.  As the producer of all the Twilight movies, Godfrey is in the unique position to be able to talk about the franchise in a way the actors and even the directors can’t. After all, while an actor might be able to talk about filming a certain scene or what it was like for them working with the director, Godfrey is the person who can explain why they chose to film a certain way or why they wanted a certain actor or director to be a part of the franchise.  To put it simply: producers are the ones with all the answers.
Anyway, during the interview Godfrey talks about making Eclipse and what fans can expect on the DVD/Blu-ray.  We also talked a lot about Breaking Dawn including how they’ll be filming it in Louisiana and Vancouver, how long does he expect the movies to be, how did they get Bill Condon to direct them, and a lot more on the next two films.  We also talked about the eventual ultimate DVD/Blu-ray box set for Twilight, his other projects with Channing Tatum and Amy Adams, and way more than I can put in this intro.  It’s a great interview so take a look:
Producer Wyck Godfrey
  • Didn’t we just talk…he talks about the crazy production schedule
  • Says he is very busy prepping Breaking Dawn.  Says they are shooting in Louisiana
  • 1:00 – What was the biggest hurdle to overcome on Eclipse
  • 1:45 – How involved is he in the IMAX release
  • 2:15 – How much talk was there to do Eclipse in 3D.  Says they are talking about it for Breaking Dawn.  How does he feel about post converted 3D?
  • 3:20 – How much got cut out of Eclipse that will be on the DVD/Blu-ray.  Says at least 3 scenes that were either cut or cut down
  • 4:00 – Has there been any talk about doing an ultra box set for all the Twilight movies on DVD/Blu-ray
  • 4:25 – Do they have anything that they’re saving for the big box set
  • 5:05 – Bill Condon talk.  How surprised was he that they got him for Breaking Dawn
  • 6:05 – Are they planning on changing stuff out of Breaking Dawn the book versus the movie
  • 7:20 – How long does he think each Breaking Dawn movie will be?  Will they both be 2 hr movies?
  • 8:02 – Says they are shooting Breaking Dawn in Vancouver and Louisiana
  • 8:25 – What else is he involved with?   Talks about his Wizard of Oz project at Warner Bros./New Line.  Says his film is a faithful adaptation of the book
  • 9:15 – With two competing projects happening does he think whichever one goes first will get made
  • 9:45 – Talks about a Channing Tatum 10 year High School reunion movie that he’s working on.  Also a Janice Joplin movie with Amy Adams directed by Fernando Meirelles

TWILIGHT Producer Wyck Godfrey TWILIGHT: ECLIPSE, BREAKING DAWN - For more funny movies, click here


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