Sunday, October 24, 2010

Interview: Xavier Samuel fighting off fans' marriage proposals

Australian actor Xavier Samuel has admitted he fields marriage proposals from fans, following his star turn in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.
But the 26-year-old from Adelaide told MovieFIX he tries not to let sudden fame go to his head.
"It's perfectly possibly to lead a relatively normal life despite that attention," he said.
"I haven't been mobbed or handcuffed or shot with a water pistol."
Samuel is back home to promote his new movie The Loved Ones, a grisly horror flick where he plays victim to a psychotic schoolgirl.
Watch our interview with Xavier Samuel below. (We have to admit, he's the sexiest star we've ever interviewed — and we've met a lot!)
The Loved Ones is in cinemas November 4.



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