Two professors at Cabrillo College have collaborated on a set of classes that teach students reading and writing skills using the “Twilight” novels and the horror genre in general.Read the full story here.
Cabrillo English and reading instructor Jeannete Richey got the idea when she noticed that students who treated most books like vampires react to sunlight, were tearing through the Twilight trilogy with a ravenous appetite.
“It is all about reaching students,” Richey said. “I noticed that students who never read anything that large before – it’s about 600 pages – were not only engaged in the book, but the whole series. So, we have this sustained reading, and we try to build on that.”
Richey teamed up with Cabrillo English instructor Joseph Carter to create a thematic learning community, in which students take both Richey’s reading class and Carter’s composition class concurrently, allowing the two teachers to work together and plan coordinated assignments. They started offering the vampire and horror-themed courses last spring, and are teaching them again this semester.
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