Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Emma Watson 'Couldn't Compete' With Pattinson/Lautner Kiss

Aside from the much-anticipated premiere of a new "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2" clip"Twilight" reaped (nearly) all the awards, besting "Deathly Hollows, Part 1" for Best Movie, Best Male and Female Performance, Best Fight Scene and Best Kiss. during Sunday's MTV Movie Awards, it was a pretty quiet night for Team Potter, who sat and watched as

In fact, "Potter" took home just one bucket of Golden Popcorn — Tom Felton's turn as Draco MalfoyRobert Pattinson's lip-lock with co-star Taylor Lautner to the squeeing reactions to the "Breaking Dawn, Part 1" trailer burned up search engines in the hours following the show. earned him Best Villain honors — and as if that weren't bad enough, it was the stars of "Twilight" who garnered the lion's share of the headlines too, as everything from
So you could imagine what it must have been like for the "Harry Potter" stars who were actually on hand for the Movie Awards -- like, for example, Emma Watson, who not only lost Best Female Performance to Kristen Stewart, but didn't even get to see the kiss between Pattinson and Lautner.
"I missed this moment! I came out, and they were like, 'Rob just missed Taylor!' and I was like, 'Damn!' " Watson told MTV News' Josh Horowitz following the show. "I was still backstage [after introducing the 'Deathly Hallows, Part 2'] clip, so I missed it. But, I mean, yeah, good on them!"
And as if missing out on the kiss-to-end-all-kisses wasn't bad enough, the whole lip-locking theme of the night had Watson feeling left out. Seems she was the only person who didn't have someone to kiss.
"I mean, I was really up against it. Kristen [Stewart] had two kisses, and Mila Kunis and Natalie Portman making out," she laughed. "I mean, I couldn't really compete!"




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