Thursday, October 13, 2011

A Few Updates From Andrea Gabriel's Blog

love your beautiful selves, and steer clear of the Kool Aid

October 12th, 2011
Hey sweet bloggie friends. I hope you are all easing gorgeously into fall and enjoying every moment of it. A true New Yorker (and now a proud Angelino—yes I think I think have earned dual citizenship), I truly adore the different interpretations of the seasons. Of course they aren’t quite as “obvious” as the seasons in the northeastern states, but California has it’s own subtle changes and beautiful transitions. I love seasons in general because they are so eloquent in their temporality. Always shifting and becoming what comes next…

Hot and sour soup and sweet and sleepy days...

October 10th, 2011
Hey beautiful bloggies... Soooo just getting over a random cold. Ugh. Although I must say I almost enjoyed it. There is nothing like a cold to force you to take second and really prioritize what is more important than sleeping and eating. Ahhhh. Being honest becomes much easier and more your priorities become much more obvious... You only have so much energy before you have to get yourself back inside and chill and heal... When I think about my week and how many days are often given away weeks before to tepid engagements, menial tasks, or meaningless errands I have to wonder when I will get a chance to do what I really WANT to do... I no longer wonder where all the time goes.

Let's stop 'shoulding' all over ourselves...

September 29th, 2011
Hello my darling bloggies. I hope you have been having a delicious week thus far. I must admit, autumn always makes me feel a little "heightened," shall we say.
The year is ending, and things are quickening yet slowing down at the same time. Fall makes me more nostalgic, more emotional, (and hungrier, might I mention. Nachos anyone?), more restless. I keep feeling as if I should be doing something that I'm not. I should be buying school books. I should be planning for the holidays. I should be getting on a better schedule (although daylight savings is coming up--- that rocks)-- which reminds me, it will be getting so much darker so much faster so I should be making use of the sunshine while I still can. I should be getting on what I will be wearing for Halloween so I'm not stuck buying the lone "male" pirate outfit left on the shelf at Kmart, penciling in a goatee, and going as a pre-pubescent Orlando Bloom again. I should have plans for Halloween already. I should....

andreagabriel to read the rest of the


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