Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Jackson kissed _____

In a recent Twi Tour Rachelle revealed a little secret from set.  She told fans what happened one night of filming at the Cullen house.  I think its great and hilarious.  Enjoy the story...

So I was at the UK twilight con at the weekend, and Rachelle LeFevre was asked what funny bloopers happened during filming. She told a story about filming the birthday party scene (obviously she was just watching the filming) where Jackson had to jump into Rob over and over again at all different speeds and from all different angles.

One time they did it super fast, and only when they watched it back in slow motion did everyone see that just as jackson jumped into rob he planted a kiss on rob's cheek.

Idk, i thought it was hella cute and showed how close the cullen actors are.

Thanks to Rob Pattinson Life


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