Friday, November 6, 2009

New Stills

Great new New Moon stills.  There are actually 15 stills but MTV had 10, the others are from Twilight Poison.

'New Moon' News! More Than 10 New Stills To Whet Your 'Twilight' Appetite

Seriously, we weren't kidding earlier when we said we can't keep up with all the delectable photos coming our way! Moments ago we received a brand new crop of "New Moon" photos from Summit, and while we can't help but think, "Uh, are there actually moments we haven't yet seen?" (you know, with all the stills previously released before these), we were pleasantly surprised to find ourselves digging into a ton of new goodies.
For instance: The Cullen clan looking quite pretty (especially Esme)! Bella's school buddies paling around! The Wolf Pack .... with shirts on! (OK fine, that last one didn't really deserve the exclamation point, but still...) Chris Weitz peeking into a video camera! Oh my!








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