Friday, November 6, 2009

Ashley and Kellan at Stonestown

'Twilight Saga: New Moon' Stars to Appear at Stonestown Galleria Mall

Almost a year to the day after an appearance byTwilight star Robert Pattinson, 23, sparked a virtual riot at the Stonestown Galleria mall, leaving at least one of the nearly 3,000 in attendance – mostly teenage girls – injured, Ashley Greene and Kellan Lutz (TV's 90210) of the upcoming Twilight Saga: New Moon will participate in a special question-and-answer session there on Monday, Nov. 9, at 7:30 p.m.

Greene, 22, and Lutz, 24, play Alice and adoptive brother Emmett Cullen, the latter of whom is the strongest member of the vampire clan's Olympic Coven. Alice, on the other hand, is the best friend and closest confidante to Bella Swan, the mortal innocent who's torn between two loves – perpetually brooding bloodsucker Edward (Pattinson) and Jacob (Taylor Lautner), a noble werewolf – in New Moon.

For Greene, the opportunity to reteam with her Twilight castmates afforded her the opportunity to indulge her fondness for designer clothing and, despite her inexperience behind the wheel, sports cars.

"I got to wear the best costumes," she says. "Tish Monaghan, the costume designer, found these great jackets – a white silk trench coat a striped Michael Kors jacket – and paired them with black tights and a flat ballet shoes and long red gloves. They were great and so quirky.

"I also got to drive this amazing yellow Porsche through these windy streets in Italy. I only had one driving lesson the day before we were supposed to film it. I almost nicked a couple buildings."

Greene and Lutz's appearance will be hosted by DJ Gretchen from Alice radio. Fans in attendance will have the chance to win passes to an advance screening of New Moon, due Nov. 20, and other prizes. 



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