New Moon has been pre-screened and looks like Chris Weitz did not disappoint! its been an overwhelming landslide for good shit to say! check out some of the reactions!
“I was very impressed not only by the visual effects and the movie, but by the acting itself. Chris Weitz is bad ass.”
“Just saw New Moon. Better than Twilight and crowd just applauded at end. Leaves on a soap opera sting….”
“I’m not allowed to say anything! But be sure to follow me tomorrow at @celebuzz – Big day for RPattz news!”
“I enjoyed it more than Twilight, lot of frenching! RT @mytwitherapy: @JasonKennedy1 so….how was the new moon press screening?!?!? ”
“@shaunssanctuary just came frm seeing NM.I guess it’s every girl’s dream to have a vampire & werewolf fighting over her!”
“One word: amazing! I was very impressed all around – visuals were stunning. The underwater scene..le sigh. And Summit was fabulous!!” (Kate: Emmmmm… no comment)
“ @LarryCarroll: “New Moon” was genuinely awesome. A lot of people are about to be very happy.”
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