We have more information on Kristen and Taylor in Brazil. Here’s an account of the press conference, courtesy of MTV Brazil.
We rolled today in Sao Paulo’s long-awaited news conference of New Moon, which besides being full of journalists in full sun, there were 200 times more fans out there, waiting at least to give a goodbye to their idols. Never in my time of pre-teen with the New Kids on the Block and in my teens with the Backstreet Boys here in Brazil I saw something close to what I saw today.
The phenomenon is bigger than we think, is serious.
There were kids, teenagers, adults, elderly people, everyone. There was a girl who had recently been operated, she was there, on crutches and all. The fans were doing absolutely anything to at least see their idols - and that was with no Robert Pattinson in Brazil. If he had been here, it would’ve been 10 times more people.
While photographers took pictures of the pair outside the press conference, journalists were taken to another room where we saw footage of the movie.
This conference was the fullest I attended to this day and, unfortunately, due to the large number of journalists, we had less than 30 minutes with Kristen Stewart (I have to admit, she is even more beautiful in person!) And Taylor Lautner ( I’ve felt pretty fine before and now I’m drooling), was only allowed one question each per journalist - that was for the lucky ones who managed to get this. I was lucky to raise my hand early in the conference, and because of that, be the 3rd to ask.
Later I asked, representing the nerd site full of men, about the fans and Comic-Con. The complete audio of the interview you will be able to check later - and if all goes well and we get to Paris Films, the video of the interview.
The actors were super cute and despite the simultaneous translation, they strove hard to understand all the questions - which had to be compulsorily made in Portuguese.
Full video of Kristen and Taylor in Fantastico
Source of translation
Source of video
aw...........cant understand a word! hope its english
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