Twilight star turned Up In the Air Academy Award hopeful Anna Kendrick toasted her nomination last night at RH restaurant at the Andaz Hotel in West Hollywood.
"She was with three friends," says a source. "They had drinks at the bar and then dinner with champagne and wine."
And just across the street at the same time, some more nominees were celebrating. An Inglourious Basterds group of about 13, including director Quentin Tarantino, Christoph Waltz and Eli Roth—but no Brad—got together at the Mondrian's Asia de Cuba for dinner and drinks.
Get more star sightings, including Julia Roberts and Cameron Diaz, after the jump...
PRETTY PICTURE: Julia Roberts, taking a photo at the Beverly Hilton Hotel with a group of fans, who were so starstruck and flustered that Ms. Roberts took control and happily told everyone where to stand and who should take the pic.
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