Thursday, February 4, 2010

Dance with Peter

Video of Peter dancing with a lucky fan.

An interview with Emma-Leigh Gallivant

Emma-Leigh Gallivant, 17, Nottinghamshire, (seen left, getting kissed on the hand by Peter Facinelli) set a bid to have a special dance with Peter at the Eternal Twilight convention.
She bid £300 to have a dance under the lit gazebo at the prom party - just like a scene from the film.
In this moment in time, they are Bella and Edward, dancing to Iron and Wine - Flightless Bird, American Mouth. See videos below.
Rupinder Thandi (RT):What was going through your mind when you were bidding?
Emma-Leigh Gallivant (EG): I was like right I’ll keep my hand up to £200 then wasn’t able to take it down by £250 so I said right £300 and I’ll stop. And I got it for £300 bang on.
RT: With regards to the money, did it go to the organisers and did you have to pay straight away?
EG: It went to the organisers to help pay for the guests and they came for it straight away yeah, not the best of times as I dropped all my money on the floor cause I was shaking so much.
RT: What was going through our mind dancing with Peter [Dr. Carlisle Cullen) and having all those cameras on you both?
EG: When I saw him I was so scared and ended up telling him that I cried after the auction, cause I'm a daft cow but he just laughed at me and hugged me before we walked in and everyone was lined up in the corridor and I almost turned around and walked back off but I figured this is once in a lifetime chance, let everyone else enjoy it as much as I will! So I carried on smiling even though I was scared.
I told him that the cameras were intimidating and he said, 'Close your eyes and relax, just move with me just ask me anything if you want to know specifics. I'm willing to do it.’
RT: So did you and the other lucky girl share your thoughts afterwards?
EG: We have been over the past few days chatting over e-mail. She's so nice and our dances are so different to. We were talking about the bite and about what he said.
RT: Did you catch Peter's cold?!
EG: Oh yes. I woke up the next morning and was like oh my god where's my voice?
Bless him, he was eating Halls and apologised for the menthol smell. It felt like I should do everything to keep it going.  I didn't want to lose the Carlisle Cold.
RT: So was the money worth it?
Definitely, like I have said many times. I would kill my best friend to do it again.
RT: Are you going to the next convention?
EG: Yep, I've bought Gold for the next one.

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