Thursday, December 8, 2011

The 15 Top Movie News Stories of 2011

2011 was a big year at the box office, with massive blockbusters ("Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2"), emotional performances ("Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2") and instant classics ("Harry Potter and ..." oh, you get it) all converging to make this one of the most intriguing cinematic years in recent memory.
But as big as the year was at the theater, many of this year's biggest stories weren't on screen at all, but rather behind the scenes. Hollywood controversies, shocking deaths and studio intrigue provided just some of the surprising and unforgettable headlines that helped shape the year in film. With that in mind, then, here's a look at some of the stories from 2011 that you'll be talking about for years to come.

10. Controversy Surrounds 'The Help'

When "The Help" arrived in theaters this August, it quickly became one of the most successful dramas of the year -- and unquestionably the most controversial. What everyone could agree on was that the powerhouse cast turned in great performances, including Viola Davis and Octavia Spencer as two domestic servants in the pre-Civil Rights era South who share their life story with a young local would-be journalist (Emma Stone). But while some found the story an uplifting message of racial harmony, others, particularly in the African-American community, condemned the movie for literally having the story of the Civil Rights movement told by and through the white perspective, a subtext that they felt ironically undermined the entire purpose of the film. And with awards season almost upon us, chances are we won't see the end of this debate anytime soon.

5. Bella and Edward Finally Do It

After years of nearly blinding "Twilight" fanaticism, the moment fans have been waiting for finally arrived this year: Edward and Bella actually doing it. Fittingly, all that pent-up lust -- which is let loose during their honeymoon in "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1" -- is released in a violent explosion of passion that results in shredded pillows, a broken headboard and the conception of a mommy-eating monster vampire baby. All the debates over Team Edward vs. Team Jacob have been resolved, and by all accounts, the ultimate winners in the Bella sweepstakes are the fans themselves. It's about time.

1. The Amazing End to 'Harry Potter'

After over a decade of unparalleled film excitement -- and unmatched box office earnings -- J.K. Rowling's epic worldwide phenomenon about a boy wizard and the lizard man who hates him finally came to an end with "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2." And what an ending it was. With "Deathly Hallows: Part 1" having gotten all the set-up out of the way, "Part 2" was over two hours of pure, straight-up fangasm courtesy of the Battle of Hogwarts. They say that all good things must come to an end, but few things have ever come to a better ending than this. Just what fans will do to fill their time for the next decade, though, is another issue.

nextmovie for the rest


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