Tuesday, October 13, 2009


So not that long ago, I was having a conversation with a lovely, dear friend @mcRKlovin (shes pretty awesome.) I somehow started talking about how I wish I could just stay home all day and not work..said that I would much rather stay at home doing Twilight stuff than actually go to the office(sad, right?) Anyways..I had said.."well maybe Summit will hire me..then I would get paid to do Twilight related work..". Now, every once in awhile..I tend to just come up with imaginary conversations that entertain me. So, I happened to come up with one..in the event that I was about to start my first day at Summit Entertainment.

I am going to embarass myself further by posting it on here, and sharing it with all of our amazing readers(WHOM I LOOOOVE!!)



*walk into office...find personal office..set framed rob picture on desk*
Boss: "Hi Rachel, I am "insert name here" the head of "insert division here" for Summit. Welcome aboard.
Rachel: "Thanks, uhm..when can I see rob?"
Boss: "So, we would like you to file the papers on your desk, and respond to all email. This will get you more familiarized with the company"
Rachel: "k, uhm...when can I see Kristen?"
Boss: "Now, let me take you on a tour, to get you better aquainted with your surroundings."
Rachel : "Already found the washrooms on my way in. That's all I need to know. Why are you denying Robsten?"
Boss: "Well, alright, let me introduce you to your personal assistant then."
Rachel : "Is his name Rob?"
Boss: "What?"
Rachel: "My personal assistant, is his name Rob?"
Boss: "No, I am afraid not.
Rachel : "Is her name Kristen?"
Boss: "what?"
Rachel: "IS HER NAME KRISTEN? you know...KSTEW..stewy...?"
Boss: "No, I am afraid not."
Rachel : "When can I see the Robsten sex tape?"
Boss: "Excuse me? What?"
Rachel : "WOW! you people are slow.WHEN.CAN.I.SEE.THE.ROBSTEN.SEX.TAPE?!"
Boss: "I do think that is rather inappropriate."
Rachel: "So no Robsten sex tape, and neither Rob NOR Kristen are my personal assistant?"
Boss: No, afraid not.
Rachel :" Fuck, you stuck me with Taylor didn't you..."
Boss :" No, I am afraid not."
Rachel :" You say that alot. This blows. No robsten no nothing. Im out."

I hope you like my random..moronic posts!! Every day, I am going to try and post..just something completely random, sometimes twi-related, sometimes just really entertaining stuff I find on the interwebs!!



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