"You're so very much with Bella. You're so in her shoes that it's a vicarious experience. It's addictive," she said in an interview for the November issue of Allure magazine, on newsstands October 20.
In the issue, the 19-year-old actress also talks about how hard it is for her to open up in interviews. She thinks that people are constantly judging what she says and how she says it. "I spend so much of my time guarding against sounding insincere about something that I would die for," she said. "Maybe I'm overcompensating ... I care so much. And it gets reported as the opposite. And even seeing this [interview], they'll be like, 'Oh, she's trying to let us know ... ' "
Stewart, who is currently filming "Eclipse" in Canada, added that she refuses to bow down to Hollywood norms of what a starlet should look and act like. "I go outside and I'm wearing a funky T-shirt and my hair is dirty and people say, 'What's wrong with her? She needs to invest in a hairbrush,' " she said.
She added that she was never "that girl," so she's not sure why everyone wants her to be. "I'm like, 'Don't you get it? I'm not that girl!' Like, I never was that girl. It's not like I was really clean-cut last year," she said. "I don't exercise. I'm skinny fat. I worry about being too skinny."
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