Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Picture of Robert Pattinson with “30 Rock’s” Judah Friedlander

Twi light” star Robert Pat tin son is doing the press rounds right now for his upcom ing non–vam pire movie “Remem ber Me,” which hits the aters next week. This has given his ador ing pub lic a rare oppor tu nity to see the nor mally inac ces si ble super star out in the world. What do I mean by “inac ces si ble”? Well Pat tin son isn’t really able to just stroll down the street these days. He’s not one of those celebri ties who seeks out atten tion wher ever he can and he stays away from pop u lar out lets like Twit ter. Which makes this morning’s Daily Twit­Pic even more spe cial. RPattz might not have a pub lic face on the micro-blogging Web site, but “30 Rock” star Judah Fried lan der does. And when both celebs appeared last night on Jimmy Fal lon, Fried lan der nabbed the oppor tu nity for a photo op with the sparkly vam pire, which he pre served in the twit pic seen above.
via MTV



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