Sunday, April 4, 2010

Rapid Fire w/ Chaske Spencer

Okay so our lovies at put together this wrap up of Chaske's panel at New Zealand Armageddon

And Because I'm me, I had to insert my own comentary


Loves Muse! (who? oh that band...with that song...meh)
He loves doritos! (brain immediately goes to the giant rat commercial)
Werewolf will win in a fight against vampire! (someone really asked a werewolf that question?  *facepalm*)
Owns a blackberry! (cool, send me your pin, we'll message)
Doesnt own a car! (whats will all the !!! after every post? PS New Yorkers don't need cars anyway)
Idols are Denzel Washington & Paul Newmon!  (Mmmm salad dressing)
Doesnt like the jonas brothers. Nothing against them (well, he isn't a 13 year old girl...)
Hes a t shirt whore. His words.  (I just wanna hear him say WHORE, is that wrong)
He just howled!  (yeah ba-by)

He cares about his reservation so much!  (*clap clap clap*)
Hes speaking is language awwh! (I need this on you tube YESTERDAY)
He loves the lord of rings.  (Awe inner nerd-dom stole my heart.  he's my precious)
He just done the wolf call.  (he just done it?  hmmm.)
Shift the power is important to him. (really? )
He appreciates his fans. (really?  Really?  who gave him his talking points anyway?)
His advice to up coming actor is alot of stuff hahaha!  (what the french toast? guess you had to be there)
Hes met Stephanie. (given...I need to write the damn questions)
His favorite country is New Zealand. Fav book is Eclipse. (he told New Zealand his fav country is NZ...suck ass.  PS My fav book is Eclipse too...RAWR)
Loved playing rugby with alex.  (Hmmm wolf on wolf action)
He doesnt have kids that he knows of.  (Oh My Fucking God. LMAO, gotta love the fans)
He is seeing someone!  (I guess I don't have to keep it a secret anymore, that's good, it was stressful not to be able to share it w/ my girls)
Hes gonna start 3 movies b4 breaking dawn. (is that a confirmation of breaking dawn?)
They were excited for jay leno skit!  (the what?  oh that was so long ago I already forgot about it)
Fav band is metallica and guns n roses. (the ballads or the head bangers?)
Hes 35 (Hello Daddy!)
He loves bronson (now our on set hook up is revealed)
Hes team jacob (der)
Bronson told him about nz (have a comment, keeping it to myself)
He doesnt think he is hotter than taylor we disagreed. (I'll take both and we'll figure it out upon further inspection)
Fav vamp in twilight is michael sheen! (there are a lot of fucking questions for me to be witty on...are we almost done?)
Celebrity crush is kate winslet (I'd switch teams for her...)
We will see alot of the wolf pack in eclipse! (wolves or hot naked boys?)
Fav scene was the muffin scene! (course, he was kissing in it the whole time)
Thinks robs a great guy! (but how's he smell?)
He loves taylor! (who doesn't?)
Chaskes fav color is ocean blue and forest green. (ahh his girly side comes out...what guy picks shades?  love you still)
Chaske knows how to say kia ora. (whatever the hell that means...)

okay I'm done, I'm glad it's over. that was fun to read and fun to make fun of.  stick around for  my next show folks!


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