Saturday, May 1, 2010

Robert Pattinson – From Blond Baby to Gorgeous Guy

From blond baby to gorgeous guy.
Robert Pattinson sort of came out of nowhere. Sure, he had a couple films and a short, relatively unnoticed role in Harry Potter (so unnoticed in fact that people objected when he was announced as the actor playing Edward Cullen).
But then “Twilight” hit theaters. Suddenly Rob was and is the world’s heartthrob. Let’s take a look at a few pictures of Rob to find out where this heartthrob came from.
Here is a cute blond (blond ??) boy. Definite potential as an adult. Photo credit:

Ah, the bowl cut. And a serious look. Not much to see here. But check out the nose compared to the first picture. It’s more defined. It’s turning into Rob’s nose. Photo credit:

Everyone has their awkward stage. Only RPattz could manage to model during that stage. I don’t find this picture flattering at all (and there are plenty more of his model pics out there), but someone clearly thought he had a look worth paying for. Photo credit: @

Rob’s still young here, but the jawporn is starting to form and we can already see the captivating smile. Here, at a tender age, he’s about to explode. Photo Credit: @

But wait. He reverts back a bit. Rob is still in his awkward stage here, cheeks (and thus jaw) a little fuller, but he’s also in character in this film. The porn hair hasn’t yet materialized. Photo Credit: How To Be Films

Here’s the Harry Potter premiere. RPattz as we know him is starting to emerge, but he still has the highschooler look. Not quite filled out, he’s wearing an odd velvet blazer that might be a bit too big for him. Photo Credit: ExtraTV

Here, at the “Twilight” premiere, Rob has reached heartthrobs status. Girls are already screaming his name across the globe. You think it couldn’t get any better, and then…

We have arrived! This is RPattz. Jawporn, hairporn, you name it. His cheekbones are chiseled, his hair is tousled just right, and his eyes take you in. Not sure how he did it, but “He saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good.” Photo Credit: Nathaniel Goldberg



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