Monday, July 12, 2010

Rob in Gwiazdy.- Polish magazine.- Scan and Translation

Article written by the girl who made interview with him during "Remember me" press junket and lately "Eclipse" press junket. Althought her article is about the impression Rob (and Pierce) made on her during their interview.

Suit vs. wrinkles shirt.
New York. "Remember me" premier. In a moment I will talk with Robert Pattinson. And with Pierce Brosnan. Many girls would die to be in my place. Ex-James Bond, favorite of many women and his successor. So they say. For me, none of them cause shaky legs. Brosnan, sure, he's handsome but he could be my father. And Pattinson, well.. Pattinson is a teenagers' idol, and I'm not a teenager. He shakes my hand. He's very frieldy. a bit shy. I'm surprised by his british accent, even though I knew he's from London. I perceive him so much through his role. One role. In real he doesn't look like Edward from Twilight. I'm sure that movie fans would be disappointed. I'm not a fan. Scruffy, unshaved. Seems wrinkled and not clean enough (oh really!? c'mon you stupid....). Is it a hole in his jacket? Yes. Pattinson has holes in his jacket. On purpose? probably. So nonchalant...
Pierce wears a suit. He's elegant and refined. It's hard to imagine bigger contrast. When I come in, he gets up, as a real gentleman. "When such beautiful woman comes in the room, my world goes upside down" - he tells me. "No exaggeration" - I reply. But my legs are shaky. And I understand, why millions of women on the world thinks he's the ideal man. And it doesn't matter, how old is he. Leaving, I think... Maybe it's the generation difference? Maybe men like him don't exist anymore? Brosnan i Pattinson play father and son. Director says, that they chose them because only someone as handsome as Brosnan could play a father of a guy like Pattinson. If someone would ask me, Pierce in this situation could ask for DNA tests, because Robert doesn't even have a half of Pierce's charm.



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