Sunday, July 11, 2010

Taylor Lautner "We Both Know I'm Hotter Than You"

Taylor Lautner was a mostly virtually unknown child star whose biggest claim to fame was playing the male title character in Robert Rodriguez’s 3D children’s fantasy The Adventures Of Sharkboy And Lavagirl. However, all that changed when he became the face of carefree, yet highly intense Jacob Black in The Twilight Saga
In the wake of Twilight and its sequel New Moon’s enormous success, it has turned the Grand Rapids, MI native into one of the biggest pin-up idols in the world. After managing to score a role in the all-star romantic comedyValentine’s Day, the 18 year-old returns as Jacob in the latest film in the series, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.
Lautner first discussed what was different for him this time around withEclipse.
“I was actually bummed,” Taylor claims, “There’s a lot more action in this picture, but for me, specifically, I’m a wolf when there’s any action going on, so I was bummed I wasn’t involved in too much action. I got to kiss Bella, for the first time, so that was probably the biggest thing. Bella is a fantastic kisser. That was probably the most exciting new thing. [Robert Pattinsonand I] didn’t [compare notes after]. That would have been fun.”
A particular aspect of Taylor his young fans instantly noticed about him in New Moon was his physique. He talks about keeping himself fit in-between films.
“The most interesting thing I found is that it’s just as hard to maintain it, as it was to put it on in the first place,” Lautner says, “Trust me, it was really hard putting it on, and it is just as hard keeping it. If I’m really busy and can’t get into the gym, or if I’m busy and don’t have time to eat, it just comes off and it takes 10 times the amount of time to put it back on again, so it’s tough.”
“Occasionally, you really want some ice cream, for sure,” he adds, “You’ll cheat a time or two. When it comes closer to film, or when you have a magazine photo shoot, then you really just have to stay strong and cut it out.”
When it was mentioned that his character Jacob had become more mature inEclipse, Lautner says it has more to do with how the character was written in the original books by Stephanie Meyer.
“I don’t know if it really has anything to do with me,” he believes, “It’s all in the books, and that’s what we go off of. That’s exactly what the fans want to see. But, yeah, Jacob definitely matures quite a bit because he’s dealing with his new self now.”
“He’s come to know his new self and the situations he’s been put in, romance wise,” Taylor continues, “He deals with a lot. He becomes frustrated in this one, a little bit, because he gets so close and then gets told no, over and over again. It’s quite a bummer, but he’s quite persistent.
The first film Twilight introduces and develops the relationship between Bella Swan and Edward. The second film, New Moon, deals with Edward trying to protect Bella from himself by leaving her and a relationship develops between her and Jacob, with the actor’s screen time greatly expanded.
With Eclipse, the relationships finally coalesce into a love triangle. Taylor describes what it was like to work more closely with co-star Robert Pattinson, who plays Jacob’s now romantic rival.
“I had a scene or two in New Moon where I was able to work with Rob, and I was really excited to work with him in Eclipse quite a bit.,” he recalls, “The hardest thing I found, about working with Rob, is that usually I have to hate him in the scenes and it’s difficult. He’s such a funny, nice guy.”
“Literally, we’d be doing a scene where we’re yelling and screaming at each other, and he’s slapping my shoulder and I’m shoving him off me, and we’re screaming and spitting in each other’s faces, and then, as soon as they would call cut, we’d bust out laughing,” Lautner continues, “It is really hard to be mean to Rob, definitely.
Lautner was asked whether he’d ever fight for a woman in real life like Jacob does with Edward in Eclipse.
“Yeah, I’d say so,” he says, “If it’s important enough to you, definitely. I’ve fought for a woman.”
Taylor was also asked whether he himself has ever been on the losing end of a love triangle like in the film.
“Maybe when I was younger, in elementary school, or something, and there was a girl and five guys wanted to be with that girl,” Lautner remembers, “When you’re in the fifth grade, you have crushes, but not seriously. I’ve never been in a love triangle. I would not want to be in that situation. I would not want to be in Bella’s situation, for sure. I wouldn’t want to be in Jacob’s or Edward’s situations. It’s not fun. I’d have to say no, seriously.”
Lautner talks about how the Edward/Jacob rivalry reaches campy proportions when Jacob blurts out to Edward, ‘I’m hotter than you!’ during one scene.
“Keeping a straight face was the tough thing,” Taylor says, “That was another line where, when I read it, I loved the line, but I was like, “This is going to be so hard to deliver, especially with a straight face.” I was looking Rob in the eyes, and he was starring at me with that Edward look. It was funny. That was difficult to say to Rob.”
Taylor says despite the constant confrontation while the cameras are rolling, he says that when they are not, the bond between him, Pattinson, and co-starKristen Stewart could not be tighter.
“It means everything,” he says, “I can’t imagine filming this franchise, if the whole cast weren’t so close as friends. It would be a nightmare. Ron and Kristen and myself are really close and it helps a lot because, when you’re filming, you can be open and honest with each other and discuss things.”
“It just makes the filming process a lot easier,” Lautner adds, “ When we’re promoting, and even when we’re not doing anything, but just hanging out on the weekends, it’s great. They’re incredible people and very talented. We will definitely maintain a friendship, for a very long time past the franchise, so it’s extremely important to me.”
Lautner revealed the scene he believed was the toughest to shoot.
“The tent scene,” he says, “The tent scene is really good because it has that intensity, but it’s also humorous, at the same time.”
Taylor was asked if one particular line where Edward comments on Jacob’s propensity for being shirtless was in the script or not.
“I believe it was actually in the book, but it was definitely in the script,” Lautner replies, “When I read that, for the first time, I couldn’t wait for Rob to deliver that. It was funny. It was quite obvious, when they pull up in the middle of the street, even with the position I’m in.”
“I’m leaning back up against the car, with my hands behind me,” he adds, “It looks like I’m flexing, waiting for her to come up. Those are the awkward scenes. When everybody is fully clothed, it’s raining and I’m just the only person there, posing for them.
Lautner was then asked if him there’s a clause in his contract mandating him being shirtless as Jacob in the Twilight films.”
“No, no clause,” Taylor answers, “Whatever the book says, that’s most likely what we’re going to do. It really all comes down to character. If I love the character and if I love the story, and the character requires me to be shirtless, or if it requires me to lose 30 pounds, I’m ready to do it.”
Taylor shared the one item from filming that has the most sentimental value for him.
“Those little jean shorts,” he reveals, “They have a lot of value. I’m going to miss those shorts, dearly. I don’t even know what they are. They’re just jeans that Jacob finds in the woods. I don’t know if there is a brand.”
In the film, his character Jacob plays a member of a Native American tribe known as the Quilelutes. Lautner was asked how Native Americans have responded to Jacob and his wolf pack in the film.
“I haven’t heard too much feedback from them,” he says, “But, two years ago, maybe even longer, when we filmed Twilight, I met with some real Quileutes. I just wanted to get to know them before we started filming. I went there with a pad, paper and pencil. I was thinking I was going to have to write down notes and transform myself into this different person. I was like, ‘What do you guys like to do in your free time?.’”
“And I was expecting some different answer. And, they were like, ‘We go to the beach and we play basketball, but most of all, we like to check out girls,’” Taylor continues, “I was like, ‘Oh, really? All right.’ It would definitely be interesting to hear feedback, after the movies have come out.”
Taylor was asked about how he feels becoming Hollywood’s newest “it” guy.
“I don’t know about that, but it’s exciting,” he says of it, “This franchise has been such an incredible platform. It’s amazing. I’m so thankful for this franchise and the opportunity. I’ve had the time of my life, the last two years, and I’m just so thankful to be in this position now. I’m having fun making movies. It’s great. I’ve met a lot of cool new people and had the opportunity to work with a lot of new talented people and amazing is the best word for it.”
Taylor was also asked whether or not he has an entourage now.
“I wouldn’t say so,” Lautner points, “I’ve got a couple of people who are friends.”
Lautner also talks about the downside to all this fame.
“It’s hard to choose one,” Taylor says, “There’s a million more pros than cons, for sure. Obviously, the privacy thing is a little different. It’s not normal to wake up and have 12 paparazzi cars waiting outside to follow you to Starbucks in the morning. But, there’s a lot more pros, and I’m willing to put up with those cons, for sure.”
He also shares the weirdest experience he’s had thus far with a fan.
“I would say they’re just passionate,” Lautner recalls, “I was just in Australia, at this big fan event, and there was a red carpet. There were 4,000 fans and I was walking down the line, and fans like to hold out their hand or arm for you to sign. This one arm I went by had a massive tattoo of the Wolf Pack tattoo.”
“It was a real one, and it was pretty cool,” he adds, “She was like, ‘Can you sign it?,’ and I was like, ‘Sure!’ So, I signed right underneath it and, the next day, somebody told me that the girl got my signature tattooed right underneath the Wolf Pack tattoo. I didn’t know whether or not to say that was cool, or feel bad that I signed her arm. That’s definitely some passion there.”
Lautner expressed how he manages to stay so grounded with such enormous and sudden fame.
“It definitely is about surrounding yourself with family and the friends that you’ve known forever,” Taylor says, “All of us live in two completely different worlds, and they are complete opposites. This is our job. We go to work and live in this business world, and then we go back to our regular world.”


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