Volvo is continuing to up its involvement with the franchise with a new online campaign and talk of a continued relationship.
In a new report, Variety discusses how the "Swedish" company Volvo (they're now owned by a Chinese company) has become one of the Saga's biggest Twihards. It all started back with Twilight, when Edward was driving around Forks in a Volvo (as per the books). As International Promotions president Linda Swick recounts: "With the first film, there was no advertising budget for the C30, so when Volvo received a spike in sales, they realized it correlated with the release of the Twilight movie and, later, the DVD." Between increased sales and increased traffic in the dealerships, Volvo realized that Stephenie Meyer had written the company one hell of a marketing gift.
There was an online push with New Moon, and with Eclipse there was a "Lost in Forks" video game and giveaway for their new SUV, where players had to drive the SUV through the forest to the Cullen house. With only two films left, Swick says: "Volvo is very interested in continuing their relationship with the franchise, though nothing has been determined yet." But now they have to contend with some new cars as Bella starts driving a Mercedes "Guardian," and gets a Ferrari as a present. Naturally, it's a bit easy to stick to the Volvo love since most Twihards won't be able to afford an armored car or a high-end speed demon, but they'll have to up the ante.
I would be shocked if they didn't take it to the next level and find a way to have an exclusive Twilight-customized satellite/electronic system. If Edward simply driving a Volvo can inspire a spike in sales with no marketing push, imagine what would happen if their line had the sparkly Cullen, hairy wolves, and human Swans in the mix. As I mused before, Alice would share weather and traffic, while Edward griped about recklessness. Maybe Jacob controls the heat, Charlie tells you to slow down when you're speeding (since radar detectors aren't quite kosher), Rosalie takes care of diagnostics, Carlisle handles the emergency alert system ... they could even get Renesmee involved with some small, laptop-like camera that takes pictures inside the cabin.
If the fans will buy the same cars as the Cullens, or camp out for days to see the stars, just imagine the dealership chaos if they could ride around with these creations every day. However, once the special car is all set, another company will have to work on a special asylum for the twi-not family members driven crazy from long hours in said car.
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