Monday, November 8, 2010

Wyck and Bill feel “very safe” filming in Rio, production will remain in Paratay until Friday

In Rio de Janeiro for the recording of the film “Dawn”, the last of the “Twilight” saga, the film’s producer and director said on Monday (8) who feel safe in Rio and not fear violence in the city. “We feel safe here. The writer thought of the river as a place to pass the story, and we are pleased to be here, “said Wick Godfrey, producer of the film.
The final book in Stephenie Meyer’s series has scenes that take place in the country, hence the desire to film in the state of Rio However, a shooting that happened in August in the capital shuddered negotiations. At the time, the foreign producer claimed lack of assurance that the recordings took place in the Rio
“It’s very easy and funny to be in Rio We had all the necessary incentives. We’ve been waiting so long” said the film’s director, Bill Condon.
Actress Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson arrived in Rio on the morning of Friday (5) for the filming of “Dawn” On Sunday (7), the actors filmed in Lapa. Some residents came to complain about the recordings. But according to producer Sergio Sa Leitao, Rio Films, the production was not aware of complaints.

“People who were involved in the filming took no notice of any problem in Lapa. All residents and merchants were warned in advance. What happened is that some residents have forgotten that they needed proof of residence to enter the street that was closed to traffic, “he said.
According to the film’s production, filming in Lapa ended at around 7am on Monday (8). Also on Monday, the actors head to Paraty, Rio de Janeiro State in the South, where they remain until next Friday (12) to finish the filming of the movie in Rio
We want Rio to become consolidated as a pole of international productions. And this is already happening. The city is the most popular for film productions, “said Sergio Leitao.


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