by Jeanne Sager
The Harry Potter Exhibition has moved into Times Square, and there's an unlikely star of the show. Daniel Radcliffe deserves his due. But truth be told, take a bunch of teenagers, and Robert Pattinson steals the show out from beneath the boy wonder.
The show (to which I received free tickets courtesy of host venue Discovery Times Square) is in its first last American stop on what will be an international tour of artifacts from the Harry Potter films. You'll excuse me for initially forgetting the R-Patz role as Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. He wasn't exactly in my mind as I walked in with my 5-year-old and two teenagers, 14 and 18.My 5-year-old, after all, has only been allowed to see the early films, while the teens and I have watched all the way up through Deathly Hallows Part One and are eagerly anticipating part two. But it was just after the 5-year-old had climbed onto a footstool and been "sorted" by a pleasant witch with a British accent holding the sorting hat just a few inches above her head when I was filled with a sense of foreboding worse than a Potter fan's angst when a new film director's about to be announced.
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