Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Okie dokie folks. So, keeping it up to date with my love for all things that mock Twilight/Rob/Kristen/Talor/whomever, I need to post this article. For some reason, it made me laugh. The comments users left however, made me laugh more. I really do love to hear what people have to say about us "twihards". I love to hear their philisophy on why it is they think that we are ALL crazy, insane, teeny bopper neck grabbers. Their opinions really do help me put some perspective in my life...yeah...you didn't buy that either? Hmmph!!

Anywho, enjoy this..little bit of hilarity. Make sure you check out the source under the post to read these peoples comments.



When the keeper of the unicorn forest Robert Pattinson farts, crazed Twihards within a 3-mile radius immediately drop their Twidildos and rush to his ass to suck up the essence of his butt air. Truth. So, RPattz is causing my eyeballs to do the wave by saying he can't get a date. Maybe he can't get a date with a sane person, but he can definitely get a date. We know.

Here's what RPattz told the Sydney Morning Herald (via People), "Girls scream out for Edward, not Robert. I still can't get a date. Like yesterday, I was having lunch down the road. We were in this place for a couple of hours and suddenly there was like 400 people outside on the street. It was just so nuts and it's like that all the time now."

It's obvious that RPattz is busting glitter bombs all over that Kristen Stewart girl, so this "Iz kant gitz a datez" wolfshit is just for show. The truth is, there are millions of insane bitches who would go on a date with a piece of RPattz's caca! Seriously, they would take it to Olive Garden, stroke its back when it got scared during a horror movie, and gently peck it on the lips on the porch of its house at the end of the night.



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